Always wanted to recreate the Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster but you couldn't do that realistic launch whereby the trains goes a small distance back before launching?
I saw somebody asking for it so I tried to create a script that let the train first go a small distance back before launching.
A demo track and the script is included in the package. You must change the script so it will work with your coaster by adding blocks ect.
nice work I actually like this script over the games default launch system it felt like the real deal hope to see some tracks from you made with this script it would be a great script for any launch coaster
The launch is good but why all the brakes ( include 2nd station ) are closed even i'm in auto, manual block or full manual ? can you fix it again ( TTD03= You can open it with 7zip )
Casper, just extract the package in the editor, find the folder in Windows Explorer, and then you can change the .nlvm files to another extension so you can view the scripts.