NL1 Park
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My NL1 park:

Destination 3
Yoyo Ma
Nov 24th, 2014
Nice rides
Sep 21st, 2014
Seeeeeeeeeeehr nice, dieser Park!
Apr 8th, 2014
I really really liked this park. It shows how a small theme park can incorporate a lot in such a small space. I apologize I forgot the names so I will just refer to each coaster by type.

Inverted Face/Off type ride: This may have been one of my favorites. The layout was sick. For some reason while watching the game load and looking at it, I thought it was a pretty generic layout for the 'hang and bang' style coasters. The launched lift hill to the first drop was my first surprise, and I really like that. In the front of the car and the back there is a bit of airtime on that hill before the first drop, which adds to the adrenaline. The layout was great. The odd loop that goes through the vertical loop is so uniquely shaped I loved it. Also the way the coaster gets really close to the terrain was great.

Spinning Mouse: Cute little ride here, nice layout, reminded me of the Sierra Sidewinder at Knott's at bit. I liked that it packed quite a punch for such a small coaster. Maybe it went a bit toooo fast on the unbanked turns for my taste, but this style of ride does do that so I wont subtract any points because of personal taste.

Mine Train: Love these types of coasters. You did some great stuff with this one. I thought the layout at times was a little weak, but other parts were pretty stellar resulting in a nice balance. I really enjoyed the steamy-lake part. Also, the way you set up the trains in storage was beautiful. I loved messing around with it and put every train on the track to be active to see if it would work smoothly. It did. Sooo good.

B&M Hyper: For some reason these rides bore me. Not in real life, but in No Limits. But this one was different. I'm not even sure if this was 200+ feet tall, which is actually nice. A smaller hyper is a good thing. But man this ride was really cool. Nice pop's of air, nice first drop, cool layout. Short and sweet. I'm really not sure what you did with this one to make me like it so much, but I did, and good on ya for that.

I loved this park. I spent a good 30+ minutes riding your rides and messing around. It was almost night time when I left. I cant wait to see more!
Apr 1st, 2014
Technique: I really like your incorporation of the helix in your rides, as well as your inversions. No doubt that the amusement park is amazing as a whole. I like the different styles, and the colors of each ride too.
Adrenaline: Since this was an amusement park, it actually made me feel like I was really there. On every lift of the rides, you could see the other coasters which was thrilling.
Originality: Obviously this is original in that you have 4 tracks in one park which is impressive. The tracks were different, and simple.

Awarded on Apr 6th, 2014

Average Rating


Track Detail
By trabcy
Uploaded Mar 30th, 2014
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Park
Park Styles
Category Fantasy
Downloads 315 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 2
Likes 6
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph