I'm honestly not an expert on Morgan Hyper since I never had a chance to ride one...I'll try to give a fair review. Tec: from what i've seen you capture the Hyper spirit and building technique really well with good G's and airtime. A. not much to say, I liked the speed and I really enjoyed the powerful helix close to the ground! U. you did change a bit the classic layout but i feel that is much more difficult to be original and unique with this type of coaster! R. the ride felt quite realistic (not sure about the support tho) but the scenery was poor and didn't add much to this value. RV. A lot of people love this coasters and I'm getting more interested to see more. Thanks for the upload!
T: It's almost all there. I'll count the high "double-up" into the mcbr as that lame high camel back from Steel Eel... And I hate that long section before the helix just as much as Mamba so good job on that as well. The shaping on the drops and hills were spot on. Forces were pretty good. The first drop is it's own element, the tunnel is good there, I would have rather seen it used as an accent to the bottom of the second hill. The second tunnel was placed perfectly. Very high marks for ride realism, extremely well mimicked supporting and pacing throught the ride. For a perfect score I would have liked to see twisted airtime hills, A curved pull out (Steel Eel style), and a fierce volley into the brakes (Phantom's Revenge). That's all just extra credit though. Everything is realistic and well placed
A: You have successfully achieved the level of adrenaline I feel you were going for.
U: Recreation...ish achieved. I do feel though if the goal was to make it "like" one, then less flaws and more positives could have been worked in
R: Everything covered in tech pretty much. I'm not sure if they would place a mcbr like that, and the thing about the first tunnel but that's all I got here
R: It's a generic hyper as stated... It's a pretty well built testament to the product line but by name, it's nothing special =\
I think you did a really good job on this! Here are my thoughts:
T- Im surprised you had the patience to sit down and make a whole track in FVD++! I just ragequit after the first drop XD. Anyway, you got the first drop absolutely perfectly and you got the fact that Morgan rides have no transition into banking whatsoever . Also your supports were very accurate. It would be nice if you had put a tunnel on one of the last few hills but I won't take any points off for that.
A- Pacing was good in the first portion of track, but after the flat turn and MCBR, which was too strong I think, it started to visibly lose speed. EDIT: It is now better after you fixed the MCBR. I updated the rating now
U- Like you said, it was Steel Force with a twist. Not much to say about that
R- This coaster was extremely realistic and could easily be built at any theme park.