Technique Trackwork - I thought your trackwork was really good. The shaping was typical of a dive coaster - sweeping elements everywhere to counter the outer seats position relative to the heartline. Your banking control was excellent and you avoided any major bumps throughout the track. The meat of the track was also pump free - however the transport areas (lift hill turn and brake run turn) weren't a consistent radii. Personally that's the only thing bringing your technical score down trackwise which is impressive!
Supports - I thought your supportwork was great too - you put some well placed "fan" supports in there and the ride felt sufficiently supported throughout. I think you could've altered the immelman support to be a bit later than it was (and avoided the weird support) as the track can support itself well when its an arc shape.
Scenery - This is probably the bit that let you down - the place felt very sparse and desolate. You also needed to alter the textures as they didn't look very seamless and realistic.
Adrenaline Pacing / Layout - Given that its a dive coaster having a really pacey layout is near on impossible so I felt you managed the speed well and the end of the ride didn't feel slower (or faster) than the start of the ride so definite points for that. The ride definitely pulled of a gliding pace but there was perhaps room for some more intense turns.
Forces - You did a good job managing the forces - all where comfortable and within acceptable limits - good job!
Uniqueness Layout / Elements - The ride had some interesting shaping on the immelman - it had a much earlier twist which was a nice variation of the classic. The second tunnel was a nice addition too. Otherwise though the ride lacked a bit of imagination or spark. It felt very "typical" B&M.
Scenery - Good to see you made an effort to create something more complete but it felt very unfinished as a whole.
Realism Think the realism on this was pretty good - felt very much like a B&M and was certainly buildable so good job on all those points. Improvements I've mentioned in other sections - especially the scenery part.