Hi Cool5 I must say this is not so easy to rate since your building style is so different than everybody else. It was really enjoyable ride and pretty realistic. I love this train style and you delivered a unique nice coaster. Shaping was really good and even if the drop wasn't scary you got a nice speed on the double loop. Very cool airtime over the station and then.... The part under the water was a bit weird but I think that with a transparent tunnel would be extremely exciting. I liked this more than other coaster I've seen from you due to the speed, inversion and the fact that is completely original.
Okay Cool5. I have downloaded this ride and you did not disappoint! Here are my thoughts.
T: The track overall was fairly smooth, the corkscrews were good and as far as a Jet Coaster goes you matched how I would hope one to be in real life. That being said there were some problems such as a but of a pump in the first drop but it's not that big of a deal. The major deduction here would be the obvious tunnel oversight.
A: There were some groovy little air-time hills and the four inversion compact layout really worked well! The pacing was nice and it didn't let up. Good job here, kudos to you as I don't know of many real manufacturers that can get airtime in their inversion machines.
O: Gave it a high rating as you have a really cool style. You are the only one who makes the Jet-Coasters and you really take pride in your work. It's not everyone's taste but you made it your own and when a name on a message board gives even non-members a smile and instant thoughts you have left your mark. Your originality transcends your coasters and this is a microcosm of you.
Overall very nice but I would like to see you make your own inversions one day.