This is my first coaster to build in NL2. It is a simple twisted out and back. I did a lot of things that are a bit out of the ordinary, like the support work, just so I could learn and begin to understand NL2. I put in about a month's work on this, and proudly present, "Coast Runner."
First off, you forgot to attach some kind of texture file or something. Secondly, don't take anything I'm going to write below personally.
This ride suffers from a couple of common newbie mistakes which i'm going to address below. This "game" (the creators have said this is barely a game themselves and more of a simulation) is extremely difficult so don't get discouraged.
Pacing: Your ride has some pacing issues, mainly the speed at which it crests the hills. This is most evident in the far turn that dumps you into a helix. The top of that hill is around 17mph (too slow). Look at real life examples. If you had added another node so that the helix entrance gets to ground level a bit faster and maybe lowered the top, then this wouldn't really be much of a problem. The pacing issue is partially because of....
Shaping: Your air hills are too steep and not parabolic (pointy shape) at the top. If you had less steep hills with a slightly pointier top, you could fit the hill into almost the same area. You could also send the train over the hill a bit faster. I could tell your pacing issues over the air hills was mostly because you didn't want to make the negative G's any more than they already were. It was pretty obvious you were looking to control the G's somewhat, so good job on that.
Knowing when to end: The final turn in your ride felt slow despite not being slow because it was simply too big. Your ride is obviously inspired from Goliath at Walibi. If you take a look at Goliath's final turn, you'll see it's less than half the size of your turn. That keeps the turn exciting and keeps the ride from dragging on. Keep in mind famously intense rides likes the Batman B&M invert clones aren't particularly speedy ride, but they FEEL fast because of how tight the turns are and how the speed is used.
Supports: I commonly see the "put down a bunch of footers and then connect all of the poles to them" strategy you employed. Try copying real life examples until you kind of get the hang of it, and then you'll make a much more realistic looking product.
On the other hand, I like the simple atmosphere with the lights and the little rides you set up around the ride and I appreciate the effort you put into it.
Again please remember 5 is average, you're still learning, it's a hard as hell game, and don't get discouraged.