Welcome to E3; a small Intamin LSM Blitz that is intense for its size! I worked on this for about 10 days, and I honestly think it's my best coaster ever overall. I made it in newton, carefully replicating Intamin Transitions, then supported it. And for the first time, I pulled it together and made 3ds to accompany it, including the LSMs, the queue (with supports for railings), the sign, and the station. I couldn't fix the black faces, despite my best efforts, and couldn't get the railings in the station to line up right either. I also made the environment in notepad. I set it to a futuristic, modern theme. Please rate and pardon the 3ds issues please! Enjoy!
STATS: Height: 45 ft. Speed: 50 mph. Length: 2,361 ft. Launch/Lift Mechanism: LSM Launch Max Positive G's- 3.2 G's Max Negative G's- -0.7 G's Manufacture- Intamin Model- Blitz Coaster
layout: The layout was smooth and well done. Twisty but not too confusing. There where to noticeable bumps or rough spots that mattered that much. well done!
Supports: They where fine a bit basic but realistic nonetheless
Speed: The track mantained a constant speed troughout the layout never slowing down dramatically and overall being pretty fun without being over-intense
Elements: The twists and turns are good elements especially that borderline inversion turn at the end. Also the launch was fast but gentle at the same time, it reached a high speed but took its time to get there wich is nice.
Form factor: The track its like an intamin blitz without inversions or high altitude wich already makes it unique and it also looks nice not too flashy and not too boring, just right.
Concept: An inversionless intamin blitz already exist. many of them in fact but i think it still deserves a spot since it also doesnt use high drops and almost purely relies on twists and overbanked turns to deliver its thrills.
Size and Lenght: The ride its not too big nor is it too small the lenght of the track and ride its good enough to wait a good line for
Theme: The color scheme makes this look like some sort of prototype but the logo looks high-tech this can easily be given a tech theme or even spatial one. Considering the layout it may be even fit for interiors
Price: This doesnt look any more expensive than an usual blitz maybe the low height and lack of inversions may make it even chaper than a normal blitz.
T- Trackwork was almost flawless. You managed to get that Intamin style including the wierd transition after the overbank. I took a tiny amount of points off for the 3ds not lining up right though on the brake run and station.
A- I think you did a great job using a 50 mph launch to get a thrilling ride!
U- There isnt a coaster as small as this yet this intense relative to its size I have seen
R- This ride could EASILY be built in real life, and the fact that it's so small only makes it more possible.
Your coaster track package did not have any objects. The coaster seemed pretty tame and not having any heavy Gs. It did not seem to pack much of a punch.
As much as I would love to give you a rating score, there was a CRASH just as the first train was arriving back after completing its circuit. The simulator did not continue and I had to close. I found the crash was between train 2 and 3 just after the lsm. I loved the layout and design of the coaster though.
@josh0476- This tends to happen once in a while if it is in manual dispatch. I increased the block count before releasing but apparently the problem still exists. Leave it in auto dispatch and it should be fine