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Track Description
Prepare to race like you never have before... Introducing Burnout, a high speed Intamin coaster. With inspiration from Intimidator 305, this ride is sure to pack a punch, with many air time hills, drops, and twists reaching up to 3.5 G's, this experience is like no other!

Ride Statistics:
Max Speed : 67 MPH
Max Height : 190 FT
Track Length : 4623 FT


TallonD83 - Car Textures
Joshua Velez - Station + Queue, Audio, 3DS.
(If I missed anyone, please let me know)

Please note this is my first FVD Coaster and I am sure there will be a few problems with it, including shaping for the most part. Enjoy!
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Premium Member
Premium Member
Feb 6th, 2015
T: Your trackwork was good, there weren't too many bumps or jerks that were noticeable. There was one or two sections that felt like the transition from a helix to going straight into an airtime will was too quick. You're supports did need work, there were B&M connections used in some places and there were others where supports weren't connecting to track at all. There were also times where the beam node was too high and you can see tubes sticking out. There was also an object inside the last tunnel...That impacted this score.

A: It felt like this ride was over after the second drop, there was a huge loss in speed and that sort of made the ride drag the rest of the way. Other than that the first drop was phenomenal, looked and felt like a miniature SkyRush.

Everything else: The 3DS work was good and the audio was a nice touch, although I would've made the audio a little quieter because it was way too loud compared to the simulators ambient sounds. It was also strange that some of the 3D model was just floating above terrain.

*Rate Adjusted
Rider Value
Jun 7th, 2015
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True Addicts
True Addicts
Feb 15th, 2015
The G's were mostly okay on this ride. Your main problem was that S-hill before the hill that dives into the first hill. That was too much too fast, and you should have made it a bit less intense there. The hill leading into the first tunnel had a pretty hard banking bump also. You can prebank the track a few degrees or so and that will usually alleviate a problem like that. I get that it's an intamin but you don't need to try and murder people. The -1.5 G hill exiting one of the tunnels was a bit much as well but that is debatable. Also make sure you give riders a break from the positives every once in awhile. All rides, even the super intense ones like Maverick have small G killing sections for recovery. Great job on the trackwork overall though. The track was pretty smooth, you just need to work on G control a bit.

The supports are pretty good, especially on the lift. In other places, try to have the supports somewhat symmetrical in placement on the hills and other elements unless you're forced not to. It makes the ride look much better. This wasn't too much of a problem but the first hill after the first drop looks a bit odd because the supports are a bit off kilter. Also the turn that hill leads into needed more supports at the bottom as well.

The atmosphere and scenery reminded me a ton of TTD, especially the station music loop and the general racing feel. I think you did a good job with that, and I like the little queue you made. Thanks for uploading.
Rider Value
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Feb 7th, 2015
Hey look! A wild Rating has appeared!


- Technical -
A lot of the ride was smooth however that doesn't mean it is the best. There were tiny jerks every now and then but not many. The train has to traverse through twists with all cars and can be stressful to them when going through tight twists (there was really only 1 twist that caught my eye as being iffy). Even though the G's were in check I felt the radius of the lifts and the last 2 big hills apex to be a tad small. The lift track should have been a 2-tube with rail connectors connecting to the structure. Another thing I had an issue with is that pretty much the entire track was 3 tube. Some of the areas could have benefited from the 4 tube. There was a catwalk gap on the transfer section. I'm not quite sure the camera passes the clearance envelope test, but making a custom tunnel would have been hell to make an indent for the camera to be placed to no point deduction here (in the future there will be). Finally the speed going into the station was humongous. Could have been a lot slower and should have been. Alright now it's time for the talk. Yes, the dreaded support talk. There were quite a few areas left undersupported. The second big turn, the final brake and after, and the rest of the ride could have been better with a bit more support density (the time between rail connectors was sparse). I feel like some of the supports were atomized prefabs and a lot of the supports could have used a good amount of embellishment. Some were just outright too thick and others needed more lateral bracing and support. The beams generally connected to the track were way too big and should have been branch offs of the central support, not directly connected. If I were you I'd avoid having footers away from over tunnels. It's not just because of the one little collision between the tunnel and the footer it's just good practice. In real life having one directly above wouldn't be good because you're applying the force of the train to the top of a tunnel wall. Another thing about tunnels is I'd recommend having at least rail connectors inside them. The track won't just float in there. Lastly some of the objects were untextured and kind of a bummer because of it.

- Adrenaline -
I'm going to start off with the good. Most of the G's were in check, the ride had a few nice hills and seemed to keep up pace. Now bad parts. The train would slow significantly over hills and the biggest area of concern with this is right before the final brake. You need to have a less steep slope for braking and the train to not have to essentially climb over a hill to slow down some more. The steep brake runs are meant more for lack of space. You had plenty. Another area of concern were some G spikes. At the bottom of the first drop you hit a spot maybe .3 higher than the turn. You want a gradual increase and never something that will be felt by passengers. It would be like someone putting 50 pounds on you then 20 of it magically disappears. another area of concern is the multiple times the ride hits -1.1 and below. With lap bars only the pressure goes all to your legs and could be uncomfortable and even painful.

- Uniqueness -
The layout was fun and had a decently unique feel too it. The theme was nice and the custom trees were also a nice touch. The shorter trains were probably a good idea because of the rides twists and turns. The red on the lift was.. too.. bright. It could have been a bit darker so it would look more realistic and not hurt the eyes. Speaking about colors the track colors weren't the best. The reason you don't see a lot of intamins with multi-color tracks (like rails or spine only) is because painting it would be hell. Having to only paint one rail would cost more than it's worth. Not much else to say here I'm afraid. Moving on!

- Realism -
It's always hard to give this one a number because I feel everything else kind of builds this number. Oh well, here's a little more. The terrain wasn't extravagant and kind of showed that this ride could be made anywhere. Some of the elements were oddly shaped and the track was indeed undersupported for a good bit. The transfer section hurts this score. You'll notice a lot of intamins like this won't use the block-moving transfer section, they'll just transfer a turn and not to 2 storage track, but to one or to one long one. The catwalks should have been a different color than the handrails just so the engineers walking them could have a sense of where they're stepping and not just "on the red." The music was a nice addition however it seemed to fade quite quickly after being so in your face for a big area. Noise fades all the way that it travels. Physics exist, I've seen evidence my whole life!

- Rider Value -
The ride was fun, had some airtime, fun twists and tunnels. However the G's yanking on their legs wouldn't be so much fun. The theme was fun and generic (could be built anywhere :D ). The ride capacity could vary with 3 trains or two and the plaza was generally pleasant.


Alright, as promised the rate. I had a lot to say and I hope you not only listen to my words but also learn from them. I can't wait to see what your next ride will be :)

Feel free to pm me about your rate if you wish.
Rider Value
Blase Rhine
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Feb 7th, 2015
Overall this was a well put together coaster and for your first attempt at FVD I must say this is a pretty good coaster!

Technique: Technique was good. There were no pumps throughout the track. One thing is the flow of elements was very quick.

Adrenaline: Fast paced coaster with a lot of airtime.

Uniqueness: Not a very unique layout however the scripted 3ds were a nice touch.

Realism: The coaster could have been a bit more realistic. Small touches could have been added or changed to up this rating such as the quick transitions and oddly shaped elements and the very bright color of the track.

Rider Value: Overall this was a great coaster and I had a great time riding it.

Keep up the great work! If you have any questions PM me.

-Blase Rhine
Rider Value
Average Rating


Track Detail
By mrcrolly
Uploaded Feb 6th, 2015
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Hyper (2 Seats Across)
Category Realistic
Downloads 93 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 4
Likes 4
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph
35gs, airtime, extreme, intimidator, speed, twisty