Ratings |
Premium Member 
Mar 3rd, 2015
I can't really add anything to what's already been said, other than to just say a personal thank you for this!
I've spent over an hour this evening walking/flying around the ride and experiencing it. Time well spent. Had an absolute blast with it.
One of the very best recreations ever!
P.S. I particularly like the inclusion of the horrible kink in the cobra roll that Dirk Ermen noticed, because that's just like the horrible kink in the cobra roll on the real thing!
The Daleknator
Oct 16th, 2023
This is an Extremely Awesome and Amazing Track for Nolimits 2 i have loaded and played this roller coaster twice already i had the Original Version just Discovered this Version.
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Nov 4th, 2019
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
May 1st, 2019
Only the performance is hard
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Oct 25th, 2018
Great work. Must be taken a long time, do finish this coaster. Smooth. Good job
Feb 24th, 2018
Best 10/10
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Jan 6th, 2018
absolutely incredible!
Trackwork Accuracy 9.25 Pacing Accuracy 7.5 Attention To Detail 9.5 Scenery Accuracy 9.25 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.1
Sep 16th, 2017
Very Well Made, ITs very accurate
Trackwork Accuracy 8 Pacing Accuracy 8.25 Attention To Detail 9.5 Scenery Accuracy 8 Degree of Difficulty 8.25 Average 8.4
Aug 19th, 2017
Nice Job!!
Aug 5th, 2017
really good
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Jul 27th, 2017
tr??s tr??s tr??s bon travail
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Jun 27th, 2017
love it
Jun 18th, 2017
good job
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Jun 4th, 2017
just perfect
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Apr 9th, 2017
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Mar 14th, 2017
Mar 14th, 2017
Trackwork Accuracy 5 Pacing Accuracy 5 Attention To Detail 5 Scenery Accuracy 5 Degree of Difficulty 5 Average 5
Nov 10th, 2016
cool man
Viraax The Wolf
Oct 29th, 2016
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Oct 28th, 2016
Awesome! The accuracy of the track is phenomenal!
Oct 25th, 2016
Amazing recreation the atttention to detail is outstanding! well done
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 9 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.8
Oct 11th, 2016
Very Nice
Oct 11th, 2016
A nice rollercoaster
Trackwork Accuracy 5 Pacing Accuracy 5 Attention To Detail 5 Scenery Accuracy 5 Degree of Difficulty 5 Average 5
Sep 30th, 2016
Very good
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 8.25 Average 9.65
Sep 10th, 2016
Trackwork Accuracy 9.75 Pacing Accuracy 9.75 Attention To Detail 9.25 Scenery Accuracy 9 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.55
Jul 3rd, 2016
Amazing love it best ride evah
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 7.5 Attention To Detail 9.5 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 8 Average 9
Jun 26th, 2016
Trackwork Accuracy 5 Pacing Accuracy 5 Attention To Detail 5 Scenery Accuracy 5 Degree of Difficulty 5 Average 5
Jun 24th, 2016
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
May 21st, 2016
veryyyyy cool
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
May 3rd, 2016
Not download
May 3rd, 2016
Trackwork Accuracy 5 Pacing Accuracy 5 Attention To Detail 5 Scenery Accuracy 5 Degree of Difficulty 5 Average 5
May 1st, 2016
verry good
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Feb 14th, 2016
Really, I can't believe how much was done in this. It's so perfect and I try so hard to find anything wrong with it, but I can't... You did an incredible job. I know it's hard to sound sane giving a ten on everything but you deserve it. Phenomenal.
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Feb 2nd, 2016
Fantasic Roller coaster well done
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Jan 22nd, 2016
Verry Perfect Track Verry Realistic Great Powerfull Ride
Trackwork Accuracy 10 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 10
Jan 5th, 2016
Quite simply superb.
Trackwork Accuracy 9 Pacing Accuracy 9 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 9.75 Average 9.55
Nov 13th, 2015
Nov 3rd, 2015
Wow, attention to detail is amazing. Thank you for uploading this. Very fun to ride!
Nov 2nd, 2015
Great track ! Excellent work !
Oct 20th, 2015
It's so cool, congratulation, it's an amazing work !!!
Oct 9th, 2015
Great track. Love the design of the coaster and I am so glad to be able to find such an accurate recreation. Well done!
Sep 17th, 2015
After ridden The smiler a dozen times and studied its design and layout I must say that this is one amazing recreation. the attention to detail is phenomenal and look forward to future work from yourself. good job
Sep 16th, 2015
Sep 14th, 2015
Sep 12th, 2015
Sep 11th, 2015
Sep 11th, 2015
Sep 3rd, 2015
very good very impressed the best :}
Aug 23rd, 2015
Aug 19th, 2015
great work , respect
Aug 17th, 2015
A perfect recreation of a likely defunct coaster. It's was extremely close to the actual ride, to such a degree I could run the simulation as I was running a video of the ride next to it. Is there any way you could put as much detail into the Oblivion on the map?
Trackwork Accuracy 9.5 Pacing Accuracy 9.75 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.85
Jul 26th, 2015
Recreated to perfection
Jul 26th, 2015
Jul 19th, 2015
Last Heartline roll a bit iffy
Jul 5th, 2015
gooood job
Great Richard
Jul 3rd, 2015
This a Great and fantastic roller coaster track for no limits 2 keep them coming
Jul 3rd, 2015
very good
Jun 29th, 2015
This was actually very much like the actual coaster. Amazing work dude. To be perfectly honest, I can't think of anything that needs to be improved. Everything is perfect. Of course the lag, but that has nothing to do with you, it's because people don't have the best of pc's, and its bound to lag with all the stuff going on.... Nice work. If I could rate this out of 10 I would rate 10/10!!!
Jun 24th, 2015
Just a 10 across the board. This is without a doubt one of the best tracks I've seen for NoLimits. Can't believe I didn't find this community sooner. Fantastic work!
Jun 7th, 2015
This is an amazing creation of the Smiler, a ride I have been on in real life.
The attention to detail is absolutely incredible and it feels and flows just like the real coaster. It's very resource hungry as you would imagine and I get a few fps drops in busy sections of the track but it's probably more my aging graphics card!
IMO the best creation of a real coaster in the virtual world!
Trackwork Accuracy 9.5 Pacing Accuracy 9 Attention To Detail 9.75 Scenery Accuracy 8.75 Degree of Difficulty 9.75 Average 9.02
Jun 6th, 2015
Great ride. Great pacing. Very difficult ride to recreate i tried to do it myself and couldnt get the pacing and scenery right
May 25th, 2015
This is absolutely astounding and there is so much work put into this, I've been waiting for 2 years to download this project and it's finally here.
So happy and you guys deserve so much credit for this. It isn't a Simulation, but a full scale replica.
I love it.
Well done guys. Well done!
Trackwork Accuracy 9.75 Pacing Accuracy 9.75 Attention To Detail 9.5 Scenery Accuracy 9 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.6
May 22nd, 2015
The ride was awesome it felt like just like the real things which I loved about this ride. I like how you included the video even before the second chain lift which I was so happy that you put and I wanted to cry because the ride looked so nice.
Trackwork Accuracy 9.5 Pacing Accuracy 9.5 Attention To Detail 9.75 Scenery Accuracy 9 Degree of Difficulty 9.75 Average 9.5
Coaster Mind
May 5th, 2015
One word... WOW. Nice done!
Apr 21st, 2015
.i really like this coaster
Apr 19th, 2015
The only problem is lag, but as acurate as it is im astonished.
Apr 14th, 2015
Superb! A great recreation. Cannot fault the accuracy everything is great. Thanks for sharing.
Apr 14th, 2015
Fantastic recreation of The Smiler. Must have taken well over a year to complete. I wish I could make coasters this good.
Apr 9th, 2015
This is the most accurate recreation of The Smiler in existence. I feel that you have paid attention to every single detail that you could possibly see on the Smiler. The scenery is absolutely stunning and very accurate. The pacing of this ride could be made to go a little faster as I feel it is abit slow on the first half of the ride through the dive loops. Other than that fabulous recreation and keep up the good work!
Trackwork Accuracy 9.75 Pacing Accuracy 8 Attention To Detail 9.75 Scenery Accuracy 9.25 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.35
Founding Member 
Apr 6th, 2015
I finally braved into riding this and it was amazing The sounds, the scenery, the track work, it was all marvelous. I can see why it took so long to make this recreation a reality. Top kudos to the both of you for taking on this amazing recreation. Can't wait to see what your next project is
Trackwork Accuracy 9.75 Pacing Accuracy 9.75 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.88
Apr 6th, 2015
Outstanding Work. I can see why it's number one. Brought my PC using a DK2 to it's knees though.
Mar 31st, 2015
Best smiler ride i have seen A*********
Mar 29th, 2015
love it!!!!
Mar 24th, 2015
Great Coaster, just like the original
Mar 23rd, 2015
Omg this is amazing it must of taken ages.
Mar 18th, 2015
great recreation
Mar 15th, 2015
Love it
Mar 15th, 2015
This is a brilliant recreation of The Smiler, I have been on The Smiler many times and I am amazed at how accurate it is. The is a slight lack in detail though but that is fine because it is the lower quality version that was sent out. Other than that I will say that it is a great recreation and well done to JAMMYD778 and NEMESIS94.
Mar 14th, 2015
THANKS MAN for uploading this JAMMY I watched your You Tube video and thought damn where can I get this ride. As far as the ride itself it was very accurate in comparison with photos Ive seen it looks unbelievably real IMO and yes you have definitely made me SMILE riding this, All I can say is you are extremely gifted in making coasters and I would love to see more of your stuff on the site. I really like the way you put Oblivion in there too and the flat ride with walkways, fencing, and landscaping. I'm in Georgia so won't unfortunately make it to Alton Towers (bummer LOL). My park is Six Flags over Georgia and if you take requests I'd love to see the Mind Bender recreated, I could provide photos next time I go which will be soon. Great job on the entire Smiler experience:-)
Trackwork Accuracy 9.5 Pacing Accuracy 9.5 Attention To Detail 9.25 Scenery Accuracy 9.5 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.55
Mar 14th, 2015
Very detailed and beautiful cars, great creation! Respect
Mar 11th, 2015
Really well done!
Mar 9th, 2015
This ist great!!!! It is a perfekt example what you can do with the nl2 engine Its lot of fun to ride it, to walk around and watch the details
Mar 6th, 2015
Awesomw work guys!
True Addicts 
Mar 6th, 2015
It was a bit difficult for me to judge this because my computer won't run it smoothly, however credit is due for what you've accomplished.
Trackwork in the youtube POV seems spot on with some POV's I've watched recorded IRL. Scenery was spot on, and bravo to you for making the optical illusion scenery around the final brakes work on the ride itself. I imagine that required some time to get right. You two definitely nailed it, and the little computer screen was impressive as well.
I wish I had more to say but you didn't screw anything up majorly that I am aware of that would require me to suggest a fix. I do have a question about the train timing though. In two POV's the trains whirl past each other on the drops and yours didn't do that when I rode it. Otherwise I didn't really notice anything different.
I assumed you made the air hills too fast on this but I checked a POV and you really didn't lol.
Amazing job on this. This looks like a very difficult ride to recreate given its inherent complexity and the added terrain issues. They should include it as a track file within the game itself. I hope you guys upload more work here in the future.
Trackwork Accuracy 9.75 Pacing Accuracy 9.75 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.88
Mar 5th, 2015
The ride is awesome it is probably on of the best roller coasters in nolimits history that I have ever rode! The ride itself was perfect and the sceneary was awesome. The audio and the graphic were so real and so realistic it almost felt like the real thing. Keep up the good work and for the hard work you both put into the I will give this all 10's!
Mar 5th, 2015
great coaster
Mar 5th, 2015
No words to describe a masterpiece like this ! Congratulations to you two and keep going with awsome rides !
Mar 4th, 2015
Living only 6 miles away from this park, I can tell you that the track layout is pretty much spot on! The nasty kink in the track DOES exist in the real coaster and is notorious for giving you a blow to the head if you don't brace for it. Excellent work!
Mar 4th, 2015
Congrats for this excellent job. A perfect recreation.
Mar 3rd, 2015
I honestly don't have the words, J.D...
The ride you have made is only a word ; Phenomenal!
Nemesis to go along with you, you are both so darn cool at this! Keep the awesome work up!
In other words, I don't know how the ride could be improved! It seems too spot on to be fixed! I would really, really, like to walk around the park when It finishes downloading, and I will probably stay on the park for hours. c:
Mar 2nd, 2015
*note this rating is from the LQ preview you gave me, if you wish for me to review the coaster from the release download then I will do so*
I was absolutely Astonished by this recreation. When I say this is the best NL2 coaster out there, I MEANT IT. Jammy, you did an insanely good job on this 2 year project and It was all worth it. There were some SMALL problems here and there but they were not major enough to hurt your rating.
Trackwork Accuracy / Pacing -- The Trackwork Accuracy is almost spot on. I mean I compared this to several real pics and it looked exactly perfect. The only problem I had was the small kink exiting one of the interlocking inversions, but with a huge project like this, It wasn't that big of an impact.
Attention to Detail / Scenery Accuracy -- Spot on. Like the rest it was EXACTLY spot on. The only thing off was the exit and the shop, but as we discussed I understand that in a 2 year project you would be exausted enough to not care for the tiny things - as would I with a big project like this.
Degree of Difficulty -- This is an insanely big project for 2 people, the difficulty is never the less insanely hard given the fact that on google images it looks like a bundle of black. I don't know how you got it so accurate but you managed to do so and that is down right impressive.
Thanks for this awesome coaster, it inspired me to try my hardest as I will do so with my newer projects. It was really cool to be able to roam the queue lines, see the animations, and watch the marmalizer in action as the trains roared past. The 'Dueling' Aspect was perfect as it is in the real ride and gave a huge WOW factor when seeing the other train fly past you mid way through a cobra roll or a batwing. Great job on this coaster and I will be sure to keep updated on your next projects!
Trackwork Accuracy 9.75 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 9.25 Scenery Accuracy 9.25 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.56
True Addicts 
Mar 2nd, 2015
Even though I haven't ridden the real ride yet. The recreation looks and rides amazing. The theming around the ride seems spot on and all accurate. Trackwork looks spot on. But there was one spot where the track had a nasty kink in the track which I doubt is actually shaped the same way as in this recreation: http://i59.tinypic.com/2rnes92.png The audio samples seem all correct to me. Too bad a few of them were obvious taped on site, but that was to be expected with the Merlin group. I do like that you've had more queuing/surround music than the released imascore track! I also loved that all the exterior effects functioned perfect with the coaster. From the marmelizer up to the moving fins on both lift hills. I liked as well you've created a rough version off oblivion right next to the ride to finish off the entire area.
Fantastic job on this amazing recreation. If it wasn't for that little kink I would have given you straight 10's.
Trackwork Accuracy 9.5 Pacing Accuracy 10 Attention To Detail 10 Scenery Accuracy 10 Degree of Difficulty 10 Average 9.88
Mar 2nd, 2015
I'm sorry but for this time, i haven't something to say. I know the track and i know that it's a crazy mess inside this amazing coaster ! I get my respect for this amazing job !
Mar 2nd, 2015
This is awesome! I love the detail to this recreation, incredible work!