Darkness || Tight Fit Coaster Contest
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This entry was 1:30 mins late, so its disqualified. =(

Either way, enjoy!
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True Addicts
True Addicts
Jun 9th, 2015
Goddamned shame you didn't upload this in time. I feel I at least owe you a rate for that.

Tech wise it's pretty good. A couple turns pump and you have a couple areas that seem a bit overbanked. My flat mouse turns were garbage don't feel bad. I didn't check the G's because it was well built enough for me to not have to, but I would recommend you underbank some of the curves a bit next time because that will generate lats, which makes for more spinning! Supports were very well done as well, and they reminded me that I forgot to add connectors to my beams!

As far as the pacing and the atmosphere, the atmosphere was well done, I just wish I could see a bit more of what is going on. I understand your original intent, it's just I had no idea if I was on a flat turn or on your unique element because I couldn't see. A few more spotlights would have helped (they were very effective when they hit the track right).

Cruising around in the editor I noticed you had a really really long MCBR above the station. I think you could have fit in a small 10ft dip or something there, something more to keep it a bit more interesting. Aside from that I think you did everything right aside from the trackwork issues I mentioned above and it was a pretty solid ride.

Thanks for uploading.
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Track Detail
By TheCodeMaster
Uploaded Jun 6th, 2015
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Maurer Sohne Spinning
Category Realistic
Downloads 156 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 1
Likes 4
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph