Technical Trackwork was pretty solid, the immelman after the second drop was a little dodgy and the drops themselves felt a little off but otherwise really good.Great work on the supports- passed with flying colours. Some nice invention to avoid the clearance envelope in some places too!The ride lacked any kind of scenery or terraforming - adding this in would've made this a top quality ride in my opinion!
Adrenaline Pacing on the ride was really good, always seemed to have speed throughout the ride and the close calls with the supports really helped.I thought the layout was good, it provided loads of different thrills with a nice combination of elements. The lack of scenery interaction was somewhat lessened by the twisty-ness of it but I think some trenches/tunnels etc. would've made this ride even better!Good variation in G-forces which were all well within limits. I enjoyed the little moments of airtime greatly!
Originality I thought the layout was very original - there were typical B&M parts like the immediate trackwork after the main drops but you filled in the rest of the ride with good creativity.The ride lacked any scenery or surrounding area to really differentiate it from other rides.
Realism Technically I think the ride was realistic - no real complaints hereAgain a lack of scenery let down the realism of the ride.The ride was certainly buildable - there was nothing that would make the ride feel like a "fantasy" ride.