Think this was a really neat idea as especially as a side project. I think you executed it pretty well too. The layout was fun and use it to good effect to avoid the limitations of NL's transfer tracks as with the real pipeline coasters. The supportwork to create the track etc. was very impressive though.
My other gripe would've been how the track remained rather than creating some side rails for a more "realistic" coaster style (along with obviousely custom cars - although I get that this was a side project - just how it could be improved).
The layout was pretty fun force wise and the tunnel was exciting too - its difficult to do much with this kind of layout but I think I'd have rather ridden this than Thunderbolt @ Luna Park so yay for your ride.
Nice uniqueness points - not really seen this done to my knowledge (sure someone might be able to prove me wrong!)
Keep up the good work and feel free to pm me about your rate! [:
I got warned by the Staff to expand my rating. And if I didn't, they would remove my rate. Well. I'm not going to do that. So you went from having 1 rating to 0 ratings. Thank your staff!
(my original rating had fewer characters than this passage).