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Track Description
Welcome to Sulfur,

my first Intamin Mega-Lite!

Having its name from the flamable 15th element, it stands for burning Intamin passion.
Enjoy steep drops, loads of fast turns and tons of airtime on this ride. Exeeding the trees around just once it keeps close to the ground and unpredictable.

Some statistics:

Height:...............................................40.4m (133 ft.)
Lenght:..........................................1052.6m (3,453 ft.)
Top Speed:......................................95 km/h (60 mph)
Ride Duration (Station-Brake):..............1:12 minutes
Average Speed:...............................53 km/h (33 mph)
Maximum Vertical Forces:....................+4.3g / -1.5g
Drop Angle:........................................................78??
Airtime Moments:...............................................10

Please Note:
-This ride got inspired by several intamin Mega Lites as well as Expedition GeForce at Holiday Park, Germany and Goliath at Walibi Holland.
-Following tradition, this Intamin Mega Lite got its name from an element. (My last one was Phosphor: , uploaded over a year ago.)
-This ride's track, its supports, landscape and (support-) scenery are 100% handmade; no use of extra programs.

And now, have fun with Sulfur, my first Intamin Mega Lite!
Please leave some feedback to help me improve ;-)

(Update [02/08/2016, 11:59 AM CET]: quick Track revision because I forgot to add loading screen ;-))
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Premium Member
Premium Member
Feb 8th, 2016
I've enjoyed this coaster very much! It has good G-forces, nice terrain, some scenery (part of it self made with supports), a pretty nice layout and very good supporting. The coaster looks a bit like a somewhat bigger megalite (a compact layout with many small airtime hills and a lot of turns) which I think is pretty awesome.

The layout is pretty compact except for one section of track which travels a bit far off from the rest of the coaster. This is not really wrong but it looks a little bit odd to me.

There were one or two spots where the speed felt a bit too slow but on most sections the speed was just right.

The queue is nicely done with supports but a real queue for such a ride would probably be a bit smaller. Still it's a way better queue than most queues in NL2.

However, these are all very minor nitpicks. I really think this is an awesome ride!
Rider Value
Feb 9th, 2016

Awarded on Feb 21st, 2016

Average Rating


Track Detail
By Der LK 7531
Uploaded Feb 8th, 2016
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Hyper (2 Seats Across)
Category Realistic
Downloads 119 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 1
Likes 1
Additional Stats
Track Length 3453 feet
Max Height 133 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 60 mph
airtime, drop, intamin, megalite, yellow