T: Didn??t passed E-top, no storage, Supports are ok but at some Points unrealistic and they aren??t typical Intamin supports, the Track is smooth at the most parts, G??s are alright. The Station, the Q and the Shop are very well done. A: The Drop is cool, nice Airtime in the back and some nice high G??s at the bottom, the whole Track has in my opinion too low G??s and the Airtime hills are so big so u have no or less Airtime. I don??t like all the tunnels would be a better ride without them (or less tunnels). The Ending is very fast and a littel bit I305 like and this just is awesome. U: This Coaster is a very unique ride, haven??t seen anything like this before, it is a I305 and Mega-Lite mix and this is a good Idea. RE: The Coaster isn??t that realistic coz the Terrain and also coz the bad Supports at the Lifthill and at some other points. A Storage is missing and the Coaster failed at the E-Stop test. RV: I would love too ride this Thing coz the Drop is cool and the G??s after the Drop are very nice, u got some Airtime on this Thing and in one of the last turns u have this short Airtime Moment.