Lightning Throttle
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Track Description
The Worlds Fastest Launch Coaster From My Brain
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Premium Member
Dec 14th, 2016
The station of this coaster is really long. Maybe you could cut it in half and make 2 stations? That way you can add a second train to the track which would make a huge improvement on capacity.

The launch is also very long but I kind of like it how the launch is build up for so long. It's not realistic but I think this works since it's part of a fantasy coaster.

Personally I like coasters which tracks cross each other multiple times so that there is some interaction. This layout looks a bit simple to me. I don't think it's wrong but it feels a bit "empty" that there isn't much to look at during the ride. I wasn't able to load the palmtrees and the "newenv" object. Maybe they would add something to the track.

Most of the G-forces stay good. The banked hill next to the launch felt like it had pretty good (zero) G-forces. Some of the rest of the tracks don't have the banking right (which I know is pretty difficult at a high speed coaster).

It also looks like there are way too few supports. But it looks like all of the supports are self made which I think is mostly better than using the prefab supports. Although it might have been good to just put in some prefab supports on this track so that it's a bit better supported.

Awarded on Dec 30th, 2016

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Track Detail
By coldplayer456
Uploaded Dec 11th, 2016
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Rocket Coaster
Category Fantasy
Downloads 13 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 1
Likes 0
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph