Jamp Up Land Work In Progress. 2017 Update!
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Here is the latest 2017 version of my Work In Progress Jamp Up Land. What do you guys think of it so far? Thanks to Rctortigos74 for the Japanese Ferris wheel. Thanks to Bestdani for the Jet Ponies Ride. Thanks to Joshua for the new scrambler ride. **All credit goes to Engrish.com for the original engrish.** The rest of the 3ds models are from https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/index.html Credit to TheComputerMechanismGuy for these vacuum models. 1. iLectronics Premium Series vacuum cleaner 2. HOOVER DirtFINDER Rewind 3. Hoover Elite Commercial 4. Hoover Preferred 5. Hoover Convertible 6. Hoover Commercial Lightweight 7. Hoover Elite Commercial (bagless remodel) 8. Riccar Intelligence 9. Hoover Dimension Ltd. 10. Hoover Futura (remodel) 11. Hoover Elite Supreme 12. HOOVER - Plus with WindTunnel Technology by HOOVER 13. Hoover PowerMax Tempo Widepath 14. Hoover Soft and Light 15. Riccar HyperLite 16. Hoover Encore Supreme 17. Hoover Guardsman Commercial 18. HOOVER - Supreme with WindTunnel Technology by Hoover 19. Hoover Breathe Easy Rewind (remodel) 20. HOOVER FUTURA Vacuum 21. Hoover Breathe Easy Lightweight Bagged Upright + Portable Canister Vac Credit to Michael Mihalyfi for the Craps Table. Credit to Tomdubbs for the Roulette Game. Credit to John Wain for the Snooker Table. Credit to Garrett M. for the slot machine. Credit to Roland Pada for the Modern Slot machine. Credit to dross1782 for the Poker Table. Credit to Creighton for the beer pong table. Credit to all the owners of the 3d beds from the warehouse. Credit to Dann Y. for the playfort. Credit to Laxattack for the Corona Table. Credit to Play Mart Inc. for the mini playground. Credit to Lacey G. for the play house bed. Credit to CoolBeans for his tires from CB Motors - 2012 Terra 2100. Credit to Sin-Iti for this vacuum model. 1. Vacuum Cleaner (Color : Red) Credit to Sumo for this vacuum model. 1. Finished Oreck XL Vacuum Credit to Sam B. for this vacuum model. 1. Dyson Ball vaccum.
Jun 26th, 2018
That were A LOT OF rollercoasters. I do not even know if I have ridden them all yet, probably not. Aside from that, I really like this idea and the park setting. It also feels very realistic for some reason. Keep working on this park, I want more!
Attraction Placement 10
Overall Quality of Rides 7
Theme 7
Accessibility 6.75
Use of Space 10
Average 8.15
May 10th, 2018
i love your parks man they are awasome
Feb 20th, 2017
Dit park wordt steeds mooier sinds de vorige versie.Staff Edit: We appreciate your comment, but to leave a numerical value please follow the rate guide by clicking here.
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Track Detail
Feb 19th, 2017
NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style
Park Styles
Classic Steel Looping Corkscrew Suspended Vekoma Minetrain
Additional Stats
Track Length
0 feet
Max Height
0 feet
No. of Inversions
Top Speed Reached
0 mph