Screenshots Video
Track Description
Hayashi is a Japanese word for forest or grove.

Ride Stats:

Track Length - 1914.88 m (6282 ft)
Track height - 77.74 m (255 ft)
Max Speed - 130.5 kph (81 mph)
Ride Time - 2min 5sec
Riders per Hour - ~1920 - 2880 rph

I would like to thank everyone who commented on the construction thread for helping me make this a better coaster.

Build using FVD++

Grass, sand, and concrete texture from http://www.cgtextures.com/

Skybox from http://www.3delyvisions
Average Rating


Track Detail
By Razevil
Uploaded Mar 5th, 2014
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Hyper (4 Seats Staggered)
Category Realistic
Downloads 87 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 0
Likes 0
Additional Stats
Track Length 6282 feet
Max Height 255 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 81 mph