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Kentucky Kingdom 2017 - New rides for everyone!

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Post December 19th, 2016, 9:08 pm

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The location for eye of the storm will be (drum roll please)

The Dragsters!
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Post December 20th, 2016, 12:28 am
XLR8R User avatar
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ripep B&M hyper coaster
Storm Chaser | Intimidator 305 | Lightning Run | Twisted Colossus | Maverick | El Toro | Millennium Force | Xcelerator | El Loco | Magnum XL-200
Coaster Count: 154 - Last Credit: Ragin' Cajun (Six Flags America)

Post December 20th, 2016, 5:46 am

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^^ I am feeling like "Hmm..." :roll:
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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The loop is complete! Pictures are from the park's Facebook and Instagram!
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I saw it all the way from the expressway. I guess you could call this place a theme park now?

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^^ The loop color is similar to that of Shuttle Loop lol. :roll:
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
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I would like to say this. Myself and many other people i have talked to are fascianted with the comeback the park has done since the abondonment of six flags. I recently came across some remarkable photos of the park two years after SF abandoned the park and it inspired me to make this video. It shows the pictures i found and shows what the park looks like now and what all has changed.

As for whats coming to the park with the announcement this spring? I hope its a B&M Hyper, or something by B&M, i wouldn't be mad or sad if its a coaster by anyone else because well....a coaster is a coaster in my eyes.
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I'm imagining Ed Hart shouting "I will make Kentucky Kingdom great again."
matthew6969 wrote:
I hope its a B&M Hyper,

I would be a little disappointed since they still wouldn't have any larger, smooth coasters that don't focus much on airtime and they have Diamondback a couple hours away, but I wouldn't be vitriolic about it. I'd still enjoy it.
matthew6969 wrote:
or something by B&M,

If it's anything by B&M, I'm kinda hoping for a dive machine.
It would also be cool if they could add one of these to the Deep Water Dive/Wave Runner tower:

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Nice video, it was nice to see where the park has come from to be able to appreciate what they're doing with it now!
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Hear me out on this one, The park is missing a mega-looper (ala Chang), so, along with a waterpark expansion, how bout a ................

B&M Floorless Coaster! (assuming they don't intend to get a hyper.
mkingy wrote:
Nice video, it was nice to see where the park has come from to be able to appreciate what they're doing with it now!

thank you! I'm really looking forward for the future of the park!
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matthew6969 wrote:
B&M Floorless Coaster! (assuming they don't intend to get a hyper.

Or that. I think a dive machine would look more intimidating and have a more fun drop, but you'd probably be able to squeeze a more interesting layout out of a floorless.
And watch it have a weather-related name like most things else.

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^^ Thanks for making such a quality video! And congrats to Kentucky Kingdom! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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Look at all this new wood!
credit to @JohnnyUpsideDown on Twitter!
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Looks good! The ride really needed it!
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^^ Big Yay! This park is still growing! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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The clones with that layout have always intrigued me. It's an interesting idea having a cyclone ride with the turns so low, but I don't know how practical it is in the long run.
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Um surprised these haven't made their way over here! Check out the new trains for Thunder Run!
(Credit to Philadelphia Toboggan Company)
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^ Yeah, let's hope for a more better operation! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
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Hey guys! So Saturday I will be attending a Theme park group open house at the park and we will get a tour of the park, hear a discussion (rumor going around is that the new plans for 2018/2019 will be announced this weekend) and HOPEFULLY (FINGERS CROSSES) hop on some rides. Although I will be representing Theme Park Review and my "brand" CoasterMatt Productions (be sure to check out our socials and Youtube), I will post a trip report of what was going on and happening this past weekend! If anyone else is going to be there feel free to PM me as I would not mind meeting up.
Drummer, Guitarist, Coaster Enthusiast and a metal head??
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For those interested in seeing photos and video from the event here's the link:
Drummer, Guitarist, Coaster Enthusiast and a metal head??
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matthew6969 wrote:
-Until RMC came in with the idea of Storm Chaser, the park wanted to combine Twisted Twins and Thunder Run, extend the layout out near T3, and wanted to have the world???s longest wooden roller coaster (which would break The Beast???s record)

IDK if this is a joke (seems like it), but it sounds like an interesting idea for a NL2 project.

post from TPR wrote:
Also, Ed said something in the Q&A about how he wishes he could know how much adding another large coaster would affect attendance. So he's obviously thinking about something large but is afraid it might not bring in enough ROI. We'll see pretty soon if they decided to move forward on another big coaster!

I wonder what he could possibly mean by that. Sounds like common sense that it would bring in attendance.

matthew6969 wrote:
-THIS WILL SHOOT DOWN ANY RUMORS OF WHY SIX FLAGS LEFT KENTUCKY KINGDOM IN 2010. Six flags wanted to have to pay no rent and the state had declined it, thus Six Flags abandoned the park and took two roller coasters with them.

So Banzai Beach started out as a red herring but turned out to be foreshadowing?

As much as I would like a coaster announcement for 2018 (since it would continue the even-number years pattern), I think it's important for the waterpark to get TLC too. Wonder what he plans to replace Mt. Slide Hai with when its time is up.

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Location: Xenia , Ohio
Soko wrote:
matthew6969 wrote:
-Until RMC came in with the idea of Storm Chaser, the park wanted to combine Twisted Twins and Thunder Run, extend the layout out near T3, and wanted to have the world???s longest wooden roller coaster (which would break The Beast???s record)

IDK if this is a joke (seems like it), but it sounds like an interesting idea for a NL2 project.
matthew6969 wrote:
-THIS WILL SHOOT DOWN ANY RUMORS OF WHY SIX FLAGS LEFT KENTUCKY KINGDOM IN 2010. Six flags wanted to have to pay no rent and the state had declined it, thus Six Flags abandoned the park and took two roller coasters with them.

So Banzai Beach started out as a red herring but turned out to be foreshadowing?

All information I gave came from Park officials. No jokes given.
Drummer, Guitarist, Coaster Enthusiast and a metal head??
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