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Mack Launch Coaster - LiveWire! (5/9/15 TEASER!)

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Thanks for the input on my last post, I've decided to go with the Mack Launch! It will feature a ton of inversions, quick turns, high speeds, and everything a Mack Launch should be and more. I myself can't wait for this to be finished!

For those just discovering this topic, head on over to the later pages for the most up-to-date information! Everything here in these first few is pretty outdated at this point, so unless you want to read up on this ride from the beginning I suggest jumping ahead! :lol:


Beta testing is closed! Thanks to all those who participated and gave feedback!

Current testers

Current Beta Version

Switchtrack out of the station
The attachment drop.png is no longer available

The colors fit so nicely on this train!
The attachment drop.png is no longer available

Launch will be between 65-80 mph. I haven't decided yet

And finally... the logo! I think this is my favorite name/logo I've come up with yet!
Last edited by R3 Studios on May 8th, 2015, 10:15 pm, edited 51 times in total.

TTD03 User avatar
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I think i'd personally like to see a larger Mack launch coaster, so I would chose an 80 mph launch if it were up to me :P

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Go slower and you can multiple launches throughout the ride. One 80 mph launch is too much for a whole lot of inversions. Multiple launches gives you more control, and can still make a large coaster.

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I have decided to go with the best of both suggestions, a larger coaster with multiple launches to give more control over inversions. So let's get on with this update!

The layout so far includes the first hill, and two inversions (needs a lot of work still)

This first launch will shoot you off from 0-70 in 2 seconds!

Need to work on shaping this hill some more

The first inversion of many, a rolling snake dive out of the first hill!

Coming out of the snake dive

The 2nd inversion, a temporarily-very-poor-shaped immelman, which will look much nicer once the track is extended further.

*Also, I'm currently a part of something with a fellow designer's coaster, and would like to try it out here. If I was to introduce a Beta testing service with LiveWire (and possibly future coasters), would anyone be interested in taking part to help improve this ride? Let me know!

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It would be cool if you do half a zero g roll on the first hill.

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Looks very nice so far, and yes please I would be interested in a beta testing service!

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Ok, I am setting up a dropbox now! First Beta version should be uploaded tonight, before I leave on vacation (won't be back until the 13th) . Would anyone else be interested? The information is in the first post!

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I would suggest compiling a list of Beta-testers, and then PM'ing the participants the link, just so the link is not out for the entire world to see :P

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That's what I plan to do! Kinda defeats the purpose of beta-testers, doesn't it? :lol:

You testers should be receiving the first version shortly, feel free to leave comments here or in a PM! I will be gone this week and will be back on the 13th to respond and continue working. I'll see you all then! :D

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Hey hey hey! Guess who's back with another update!? :D

I'm going to go ahead and call this Version 1.5 because although there are layout additions, there is a lot of work needed to be done still before I release a beta. I just wanted to have something to go along with my coming-back-home announcment :)

First time hand-building a Norwegian Loop. Proving to be harder than I thought originally...

How the Loop looks in the simulator

Does the shaping of this immelman look ok? It looks kinda off to me, but I can't figure out what about it seems off.

And finally, a general layout view. Version 0.2 should be ready sometime later this week!

Also still looking for more Beta Testers. Info is in the first post!

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Quick little update, that's actually a question for all of you guys.

Version 1.6
As I design LiveWire, I've been taking the theming into consideration. After hearing the song I decided I will be using for the video, "Hexagon Force" (attached at end of this post), I kinda wanted to theme the ride around it. The song's picture on youtube has a cool light blue color, which I tried out on LiveWire, and I really like it. Should I keep with the original yellow, or switch over to this electric blue? The name & logo will remain the same.

Comparison shots:


And here's the song to listen to while you decide :D

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Something really cool has come! This song sends me to think it's future! 8-)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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I'm digging the blue
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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Well the general consensus (a.k.a. Turbo) likes the blue, so I'm going to stick with that! :lol:

Beta Version 0.2
Yellow track color changed to an awesome electric blue

Tunnel added after first twisted drop, into the immelman. Will be underground when terraforming is complete.

New layout addition, a Norwegian Loop, which will bring the inversion total to 4 once finished.

And, a song has been chosen! Give it a listen here:

Current Beta testers should recieve the track shortly. If you're interested in helping out as well, by all means let me know! I'm looking for as much help as I can get to make this ride the best it can be! :D

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Just a quick little update, with some layout additions!

Version 0.25
Inversion count is now up to 5, now including a 126 ft. vertical loop in addition to the 158 ft. foot dive roll, 144 ft. Immelman, and 137 ft. tall Norwegian Loop.


The Norwegian Loop also has a tunnel now, and will also be underground when I start terraforming.

Any ideas on where to go from here? I'm thinking of incorporating a 2nd launch after the loop, but I don't know where to put it, and what will happen afterwards. Leave your suggestions below, and if they work I'll put them on!

(P.S. If you haven't noticed the revised forum title... beta testers are wanted! I'll gladly accept any help I can get!)

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I'll send ya the next version, 0.3, when I have it ready to be posted, probably around the 19th or 20th! :D

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Need more of your "beautiful" loop photos, RCT3rox! I want to save the first one posted yesterday in my folder! :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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More pictures will come with the next update later today! :) I'm going to work on the launch a bit & fix some transitions first. And go ahead and keep the picture if you want, I believe there is a way to download them! Just give me credit if you use it anywhere other than your folder :D

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NoLimits 2 never ceases to amaze me. The graphics are absolutely insane.

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These aren't even high-resolution screenshots! I might post some posters in the next update, those are amazing quality :D

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Another update, with tons of screenshots because apparently everyone loves the Nolimits 2 graphics! :lol:

Version 0.3
- 1,468 feet of new track

- Addition of 126 ft. vertical loop (Inversion 5)

- Addition of 66 ft. barrel roll through loop (Inversion 6)

- Smoother exit to Norwegian Loop

- Tunnel in Norwegian Loop

- Wider bank into 1st drop

That just about does it for 0.3. Any ideas on where to go after the brake run/future launch? I'm making this up as I go!

Beta testers should receive the track file shortly, and as always more are welcome to join the beta-testing crew of LiveWire! :D

TTD03 User avatar
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This is looking fantastic!
Will be checking out the 0.3 update shortly!


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