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Six Flags Great Adventure 2015 - El Diablo

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In before 5 page long topic titled "are superloops coasters?" which then goes off track and becomes about Disk-O's again.

Regardless that's a pretty lame addition - but I suppose its a filler addition - especially if they got a deal for x number of these things!
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Don't care if they got a deal, give it to a lower park, since every other park except great adventure seems to have gotten a coaster in the last few years.

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Helo9797 wrote:
Quick question, they say(screamscape) the Backwards Batman Train is going from park to park, does this mean its ONE train literally travelly, or are the just talking about the trend, or is it multiple trains travelling? I doubt they just run ONE train at time.

I haven't ridden Batman backwards to know if it's just one train or a set, but I do know that it is a traveling train(s) and NOT a tweak of the trains in the park.

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On the manufacturer's web page they advertise the super loop has the perfect ride to put a flume or coaster through... maybe that it is the plan ultimately... would be kind of awesome for a wing-rider to go flying through one of those
What are these for?

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there used to be a model with wing styled cars that was going to be so big you could fly a plane through it! There's no size limit to these. I hope with all the hype if they get one it's larger than any that's been built so far

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That could actually very well be; considering what a lame-o attraction it is it seems like the least they could do would be to bump it up another 20 feet in height. Whether or not they will is an entirely different story, but to be perfectly frank I really think this is an addition that will even have the GP griping and scratching their heads... so in my mind, having the biggest could mitigate that effect somewhat. But it's still anyone's guess on that front.

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Note, the following information has changed as the ride has been renamed. Click here to read all the new information about the ride.

Coming in Spring 2015! Looping Dragon is an utterly unique seven story tall looping steel coaster which towers over the Golden Kingdom section of the park.

You??????ll face off against other riders in specially designed seats which bolt up and back the looped track like a pendulum, higher and higher until you??????re suspended completely upside down in mid-air!

Then the Looping Dragon gains enough momentum to soar through a full 360 degree loop, again and again and again! The steel beast can even change directions, halfway through the loop!

This super-swift super-coaster stands tall next to Six Flags Great Adventure behemoths like Kingda Ka and Zumanjaro. But it will take super-sized courage to ride this Dragon!

  • Boards 20 riders
  • 7 stories high
  • Ride travels both Forward and Backward
  • 48-inch height requirement


Note, the following information has changed as the ride has been renamed. Click here to read all the new information about the ride.

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Don't call fudge just yet, maybe its a new model? A even bigger new model?
Just look a the Windseeker, was there even one of those before Cedar Fair bought a bundle? Like that exact model? If we read Cedar Fair parks will be getting swing rides, we would be LAME. But they turned out to be large theme park level swing rides. I mean they weren't amazing, but not as bad as carnival rides or small park swing rides.
So they could be a new Model thats better then we originally think.
Also SF built 400ft swing rides, so they like BIG! So I think this looping dragon will be HUGE.

That keyhole element for a wingrider sounds AWESOME!
This could be a sign that the park will get a new coaster in the next few years.
Is the section of the park of this new flatride, new? Or Small? If yes, get excited! You'll get a new coaster SOON!
So just ask, do you want a dive coaster? Or a Wingrider?

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^Good question- a dive coaster would be more forceful, but a wingrider would be a nice attraction for the park and it would be the first of it's kind in the area. Im not sure yet
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Actually there are none in the northeast, I am pretty sure Virginia is not in the Northeast so Griffon doesn't count. I honestly want the super loop to happen just so I can laugh my head off at it.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Noob question, but how exactly will they be announced? And when tomorrow? I don't think it would be a livestream but...
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I remember last year it was online when I woke up at 10 AM.
Just keep checking

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I looked it up somewhere and not sure if it was just sarcasm, but someone said SF posts it on their website at 5:30 AM. I might just wake up just to get a laugh in :lol:
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While there are no dive coasters in the NORTHeast, the only 2 in the country are on the east coast
What are these for?

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We were right, and they are indeed marketing it as a coaster, and we are NOT getting backward batman. Too bad, I was really looking foreward to Namtab

Coming in Spring 2015! Looping Dragon is an utterly unique seven story tall looping steel coaster which towers over the Golden Kingdom section of the park.

You??????ll face off against other riders in specially designed seats which bolt up and back the looped track like a pendulum, higher and higher until you??????re suspended completely upside down in mid-air!

Then the Looping Dragon gains enough momentum to soar through a full 360 degree loop, again and again and again! The steel beast can even change directions, halfway through the loop!

This super-swift super-coaster stands tall next to Six Flags Great Adventure behemoths like Kingda Ka and Zumanjaro. But it will take super-sized courage to ride this Dragon!

Facts: Looping Dragon
- Boards 20 riders
- 7 stories high
- Ride travels both Forward and Backward
- 48-inch height requirement



EDIT: Thanks for editing TTD03 :D
Last edited by Coaster Hero on August 28th, 2014, 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I literally can't believe they have the balls to call these steel roller coasters

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^The announcement video was awkward- Im sure they purposely made sure they don't cover two superloops back to back. They had to think of a new punchline for each one :lol:
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Rickrollercoaster wrote:
Six Flags - "Coaster"


Neither does Cedar Point.

BURN IT DOWN!!!!!! :twisted:

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Please read and sign my petition: ... ing-dragon It's regarding the Looping Dragon (obviously) If you do decide to sign it. Please share it on Facebook and Twitter :)
Last edited by TTD03 on August 29th, 2014, 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: link edited so people can see where the link goes.

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ehh Its a silly ride but a petition to not put it in is equally silly
What are these for?

mkingy User avatar

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Bit late to petition something that's probably already been funded and paid for - this petition would be better off concentrating on park improvements for the coming year - highlighting the need for renovation in certain areas!
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