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Track Description
I would like to present to you the latest creation by PCC. It's a coaster like no other, a class of its own, Super-mega-blitz coaster.
Get Launched up 228 feet just to get launched back down faster than free fall reaching 99.2 MPH. the next few minutes your heart races over a 317 foot top hat, 0G rolls, and those PCC style head choppers we all love. The first coaster of its kind, an explorer, a VIKING!

Max height - 317
Speed 99.2
Launches - 3
Length - 8877 feet
Inversions - 3
G force - 4.6
4 trains with 4 cars. riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 16 riders per train.
User avatar
Nov 7th, 2014
T: trackwork was great, with many transitions looking picture perfect, although the top hat was way too tight. Supports looked amazing and interacted really cool with the track.
A: Beginning was amazing, and the downhill acceleration was very cool! The zero g roll right after was amazing with all the support dodging lol. But the mcbr before the launch into loop mcbr, kinda killed the pacing....
U: Very unique, very creative, and most importantly fun! Many screensaver worthy pictures possible! I really like how it looks in launch position. Just letting you know it looks beautiful.
R: Your biggest loss... The top hat was too tight meaning the room for error is to big, if the train ARRIVES a little slower it will stall and valley, if it arrives too fast there would be too much negative g.
RV: lots to enjoy here!
Rider Value
KingRCT 3
User avatar
Nov 1st, 2014
Dude, that was amazing!

T: Nothing mindblowing here, but decent enough not to be distracted by pumps or technical flaws. Supports are sometimes a bit weird but once again, the overall look is fine. The only lement I didn't liked shapewie is the top-hat, the top is definitely too tigh and weird looking.

A: WOW, a blast! The first launches are an awesome idea, there is definitely a lot of potential through it. The ride was long (maybe a tad bit too much), the speed always here and some elements unexpected, like the first roll right after the launch(es). Crazy.
The last inversion with its double-up thingy is a favorite of mine! Loved it!

R: Realistic, yes and no. No because it's tall, uses multi-launches, is very long, goes very fast with high g's for a long time (exhausting in real life), etc. So we won't see such a ride in a park soon. BUT in the other hand, it's also realistic in a way of, if you have the money, this thing looks like it CAN be build. So I'm tied with two definitions of realism here, and from my personal opinion the first one is more legit, hence your lower score on it. I absolutely loved the building next to the transfert track, though. Those were very realistic!

RV: That was an awesome experience, thanks for uploading it. =)
Rider Value

Awarded on Nov 8th, 2014

Average Rating


Track Detail
By plantoris
Uploaded Nov 1st, 2014
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Rocket Coaster
Category Realistic
Downloads 281 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 2
Likes 4
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph