NOTE: This Coaster was Build by CoasterGalaxyWorld. All Rights are belong too us. Im in the Team of CoasterGalaxyWorld. So i have FULL permission to upload this Coaster here. You can visit and Join CoasterGalaxyWorld here:
This is Apollo,a highly themed SpaceIndoorCoaster.
Great Ride , I enjoyed it a lot!!! The only thing to keep an eye on is the on-ride and off-ride audio factor... When the train is on its way to the lift section, and on the lift too, an audio track begins to overlap the one in the waiting queue and so the two audio tracks keep playing without knowing which audio track is the on-ride one and which is the off-ride one.
Bis auf den etwas nervigen und eint??nigen Soundtrack ( da h??tte ich gern den von der Euro Sat gehabt ) Eine richtig geniale Bahn. Allein auch die Tatsache, dass man so viele Sachen steuern, beeinflussen kann usw. finde ich mehr als Grandios.
Ich musste mich direkt bei euch anmelden und war danach noch mehr begeistert, was ihr alles auf die Beine gestellt habt.
Ich freue mich auf viele weitere, gute Nachbauten und w??rde mir pers??nlich w??nschen, wenn ihr weitere Theme/Indoorcoaster bauen w??rdet wie zum Beispiel eben die Eurosat, Vogel Rok oder Temple of the Night Hawk !
Staff Edit: We appreciate your comment, however the numerical values didn't match up to your comment so I have removed them!
First of all welcome to CoasterCrazy! I've been following your work for some time now on your own forum though my German is still rusty enough for this to be in english so please bear with me.
- Technical - This was your worst category due to minor bumps in trackwork here and there as well as undersupporting even to the point of the lift having no supports. Other than that everything flowed well and worked well with each other. I also noticed LOD play which makes this ride even better simply because it could go into a park and have minimal effect on park performance.
- Adrenaline - The only part of the ride that was even remotely dull was the lift as it seemed to go on forever but the atmosphere and music made up for it. Every light and special effect added to the experience and made for a memorable ride.
- Uniqueness - Nobody makes these and it makes me sad. You not only made a dark ride but you took it to the next level and inspired me to attempt one again as well.
- Realism - Only unrealistic thing was the fact that the lift had no supports and the slight undersupporting inside the dome.
- Rider Value - Easy 10. Everything you could want in a well balanced ride was here and not only that but you can interact with certain objects!
I really loved this and I'm beyond glad that you brought it to CoasterCrazy! We would love it if you posted progress or even came on to just say hi or took a look at our 2017 CoasterCrazy Germany Tour that I myself am hosting. Thanks for sharing!