Find your inner peace. Zen is an Intamin Semi-Shuttle that flies through a valley filled with cherry blossoms. I had a lot of fun with making this ride, from terraforming to scenery to supports. This ride was made for Roundup 150, and you can see the video here: This my first upload to Coaster Crazy. Stats and stuff: 230.4 feet tall 4638.021 feet long Top speed: 83 mph Skybox from Dave's Skyboxes Foliage from nSeven I would also like to thank MrRC who helped me with the semi-shuttle "script". The ride would not have been nearly as realistic without it. Quick note: This ride has a lot of scenery (9419 pieces to be exact), so your computer's performance will be impacted. I apologize in advance. Hope you enjoy!
This thing needed some serious optimization, as soon as more than one pagoda was in shot my FPS absolutely plummeted so I can't justify giving you a high score.
The ride seemed fun and well flowing from the youtube video. I think you emulated the intamin style quite well. I also think the train should have stopped before launching to allow the switch track to complete it's switch whilst the train was not in motion.