Hacksaw is a Custom Coasters International inspired terrain hugging woody. Located in a hilly forest, the track never ventures far from the hillside. The coaster careens above and through a dense forest area giving riders numerous occasions of air-time, exciting lateral g-forces, and intense vertical g-forces nailing riders to their seats. The turn over the lake is particularly beautiful, but also carries the highest and most consistent lateral g-force, making the rider feel as though they may slip out and go for a swim!
Between my summer and fall semester I had about 2 weeks total to learn the new system used in No Limits 2 and create this ride. I've learned a lot, and there are some things I will likely do differently in the future; either for efficiency or accuracy. But, I am very proud to present this ride to you guys as my first submission.
I would love your honest and critical feedback, and I hope you enjoy your ride on Hacksaw!
*Track height was measured from the highest point to lowest point of the track's spline.
Technique: I felt like you could improve a bit here. I don't know if it was on purpose or not but I think the ride wasn't very fluent. Some of the airtime hills and turns seemed very sudden.
Adrenaline: Overall the ride has some great airtime moments but it also has moments where it was really slow. Especially in the first hairpin turn into the mid-coarse brakes.
Uniqueness: Although we've seen a good amount of terrain woodies over the past few years irl. I still love them!
Realism: Same as above, could have been a real ride!
Rider value: Some nice airtime hills and quick turns but slow in places. Overall good job on this!
A very well done CCI, loved the layout and the interaction with the terrain. the speed was good, the airtime was nice. i would love to see this expanded upon. lots of potential for some themeing.