Steel Phantom
Screenshots Video
Track Description
Here's an interesting story about this particular track.

So, I have been on the hunt for Chris Duarte's Steel Phantom for idk how long at this point cause the link on the video description was broken. So, I looked for anything kennywood related, and then I see a track called Steal Venom.

After some close inspection, I realized that this was Chris Duarte's Phantom. HOWEVER, It was heavily modified into a viper style layout, and even the terrain was modified. I looked for help but to no avail, SO, I took matters into my own hands!

After a long hard work on this, Ladies and gentlemen! I am proud to say that the track is back in top shape. Steel Phantom has returned!

**I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you download the latest revision of the track.**

I have also provided cart textures. The one that says (Blue-teal stripe) goes to train 1, and the one that has the yellow stripe goes to train 2. ...
Average Rating


Track Detail
By NightBlade
Uploaded May 24th, 2024
Simulation NoLimits Coaster
Track Style NL - Corkscrew
Category Recreation
Downloads 17 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 0
Likes 0
Additional Stats
Track Length 3625 feet
Max Height 160 feet
No. of Inversions 4
Top Speed Reached 80 mph