I was originally planning a complete rebuild but I simply don't have the time or the motivation. This is a touched up; optimized version of the ride which placed 1st in first round of the 2017 NLT.
Welcome to Rebel: A ride which has gone through several iterations and is finally ready for release as my entry for Round 1 of the 2017 NLT.
My design philosophy is to start with central elements and build around them; and Rebel is no exception. The centerpiece for this ride is the station; It is held up by an archway bridge over 5 seperate pieces of track; and underneath 2 vertical loops, an inclined loop, and a transition.
This is my first attempt at 3d terrain. Usually I randomly generate terrain and build around it so this was very different for me. I wanted to create scenery that interacted with the ride and supports in interesting ways; so I took inspiration from Expedition Everest and various natural rock formations in the Midwest. The ride features a rock arch which supports the first loop; a waterfall cascading down from the peak under the first drop; and several tight valleys for the many high-speed curved sections of track.
The mineshaft is made entirely out of Picnic Roofs and cubes of dirt; with 34 picnic roofs in total it greatly exceeds the quantity needed for the 2nd curveball.
Amazingly beliveable and it flows trough the track smoothly. Liked the parts when the velocity decaresses on the highest elements (That hangtime!) though it is maybe a little bit to much on the realistic side. But that's why we play No limits. ??Amazing work!