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Alton Towers - Thirteen

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Post January 15th, 2009, 3:58 pm

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Now this is very interesting. I can see why you think it is a megalite goldy, the supports particularly indicate that sort of thing, and it definately wouldnt suprise me with Merlin seeming to have a better relationship with Intamin, where as Tussauds seemed to stick with their faithful B&Ms. And on one of the photos from screamscape the track shown on the plan looks very much like how the track was marked on the stealth plans, so i do believe it is most likely intamin. I dont see why it would be a premier when one of the plans clearly labels it has a lift, rather than a launch. However, the switchback section is the tricky bit. I cannot imagine a mega lite having backward sections, surely it would be very pointless, and changing direction would require some sort of launch or another lift to gain momentum again?! To me this changing direction doesnt seem very plausible. In which case the idea that these switchbacks are indeed immelmans or dive loops is probably very likely. ... 2030-FUL(D)%20(14449).JPG

Notice this plan. Look at the curved track entering the station building, just above where it says "New Station Building". Like Gouldy pointed out, you can see that the supports show the track is high up, particularly with the lateral bracing. Then it exits travelling in the opposite direction, and the jagged lines on either side of the track following the contours of the helix round, clearly show either an underground tunnel or trench much lower down, which the helix dives through. The ride is obviously travelling at speed here. The most obvious and likely situation is a dive loop. I just dont see how it would be a switch back of sorts. That would mean the ride would have to change levels dramatically, as well as change direction. Meaning the train would have to slow down. How then would it enter the helix in the trench at speed? Unless there was a very short launch but i doubt that there is room for this much to happen in doors. So in my opinion these sections will probably be dive loops, which leads me to believe this isnt a mega-lite.

However, the most similar track style i can seem to fit with all the evidence is a multi element type coaster like Maverick, just much smaller, obviously, and without the really steep drop (after all, alton towers would never have a drop steeper than oblivion, otherwise it would totally undermine the idea of the ride).

If you notice as well, this ride covers a much larger area that it first seems. Compare it to the curves on rita. The journey out into the woods actually looks quite big, much bigger than i first thought when looking at the plans. And judging by the side views on screamscape, the hills seem to show the ride is travelling at quite a speed, because all the peaks look quite shallow, like they are taken fast for their height. But how would this ride pick up that much speed with a lift hill of only 60 - 70 foot? It surely couldnt. Unless it was similar to Maverick in certain respects, for example, having the LIM faster lift. Because remember, this lift could be a little bit faster than Mavericks, because the drop would be nowhere near as steep, and this would provide the necessary speed the layout seems to suggest with the shallow long peaked hills.

Anyway this might just be me hoping. But right now, from my first few looks at the plans, it is the first solution to the problems that springs to mind. Maybe anyway.

Post January 15th, 2009, 4:19 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

scratch that, i just looked at a couple more plans i hadnt seen. Maybe not. It looks more like a mega-lite. We could just hope its a really cool variation on the ball coaster that can turn corners... [lol]

Its most probably just a non looping version of something like Cop Car Chase.

Post January 15th, 2009, 4:34 pm

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it could be one of those new mack launched coasters... supports look similar
Although an intamin blitz coaster would be great[:D]

Post January 15th, 2009, 4:55 pm

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^It's supposed to have a lift...
I'm for the idea, of a Megalite, with a backwards launch...
It is possible...

Post January 15th, 2009, 7:49 pm

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Definatly looks like an Intamin

edit= lol oops, didn't realize that was Rita. Its an extended Wacky Worm!!#!!#

Post January 16th, 2009, 4:10 am
gouldy User avatar
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jpe, you don't have to have a launch to gain momentum in a switch back. watch POV's of EE, the switch back is entered with some speed and the train travels up a hill into brakes that are at an angle tipped backwards like 30 degrees or whatever. When the train is released, it just acts as a drop.

I've just worked out off the drawings that the lift is 20m high [:)]

Base of lift is 179.2m above sea level
top of lift is 200.86m above sea level

Now this picture, I like [:)]


And this one actually contains the entire layout (you have to highlight the whole url and copy it into your address bar [;)]): ... 2030-FUL(J)%20(14455).JPG

Post January 16th, 2009, 11:02 am

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Looks like either a Premier or something like the Intamin jet ski thing in Australia, at least track-wise, to me.

Post January 16th, 2009, 6:46 pm

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Post February 20th, 2009, 5:37 am

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Looks pretty sweet though I wish they could extend the drops and elements underground. How great would a 40m drop be if it was only 20m above ground.

Post February 20th, 2009, 6:33 am

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Post February 20th, 2009, 9:06 am

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Originally posted by vampire

Looks pretty sweet though I wish they could extend the drops and elements underground. How great would a 40m drop be if it was only 20m above ground.

It would just be Oblivion but smaller [lol]

But yeah it would be great if it went underground. Anyone noticed by the way that on the layout Gouldy linked too, in both drawings the last helix isnt visible at all? Its just a straight piece of track which ends? It must definately be a reverse point or something.

Post February 20th, 2009, 1:30 pm

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Ive heard that the plans have been temporarily withdrawn because of complaint letters. Similar the Oblivion, neighbours to the park have written complaint letters, and most of which i believe are to do with noise. [|)] ... ticle.html
Ahh well.

Post February 20th, 2009, 2:48 pm

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its a load off bull

the locals have nothing to complain about IMO. if alton towers wasent there as a theme park how would the area make any income?, its the only thing that draws in crowds and if it wasent a theme park the towers would just be another ruin on a hill side going to waste.

its simple as i see it, if you dont like living next to a theme park move further away and its not like its not been there for a while. the theme park has been there for a long time and its not about to just go away.

the merlin and the alton towers staff would of already taken all the locals crap into concideration before submitting this so i think there just trying to ruin what is the UKs best theme park
Making screams come true

Post February 21st, 2009, 7:22 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I hate how AT has to literally bend over backwards and lick its own arsehole every time they want to even build like a burger bar or something [lol]

Post February 21st, 2009, 7:32 pm

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It seems like the Townspeople around all these British parks are too whiny. I still don't completely understand the no-ride-above-treetop rule, and even people who live literally 50 feet away from places like Indiana Beach don't seem to mind as much. That just strikes me as odd.

Post February 21st, 2009, 11:08 pm

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Post February 22nd, 2009, 6:25 am

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Why do people think this is an intamin, the tri rail track show on the plans is Rita and not the new coaster!.

Post February 22nd, 2009, 6:39 am
gouldy User avatar
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we OBVIOUSLY knew that, look again though, and the layout of the new coaster looks like a mega-late layout. This is just one of the reasons that we've come to the conclusion that it's intaminm, if you'd like to read back through the topic.

I don't think the drawings show how the track will look though, or the supports, if you look at the detail on the drawings that show Rita, even down to the flanges on the supports and all that junk, there is nothing like that shown on the new ride. It's just a representation of what will be there, bt it still looks to be Intamin track.

Post February 22nd, 2009, 9:41 am

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Yeah it definately looks like Intamin or even Gerstlauer. [:D]

And this is a load of crap. Seriously, there is no reason why this ride should not be built, its mainly consumed within the trees so it will be much harder to hear than Corkscrew was, and it'll obviously be quieter anyway. Its such a shame if this plan doesnt go through in the end, it looks like a good layout really suited to Alton Towers.

Post March 9th, 2009, 11:40 pm

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Originally posted by hyyyper

I dont recall any company other than vekoma and mack using switch-tracks.

What about Intamin?

Post March 12th, 2009, 3:24 pm

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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

a month ago this is some of the unfortunet news we recived:-

After a planning meeting in February recommended an extra month to investigate the proposed 2010 rollercoaster at Alton Towers, we take a look at the supplementary report which is likely to be pivotal in any decision that will be made on Thursday, 12th March:

Visual and Noise concerns

- A visual impact exercise has been carried out and has determined the coaster will not be visible outside the park. The colour of the track, supports and cars should soften the appearance from within the park too.

- It's also been noted that the new coaster is 2.8m lower than Corkscrew.

- Staffordshire Moorlands District Council (SMDC) have consulted Runnymede Environmental Health regarding the noise report (which was based on an attraction at Thorpe Park, Surrey) and have been advised that no complaints have been received regarding that ride.

- It's been suggested a noise monitoring condition should now be attached to the planning decision, to ensure breaches of noise levels laid out in the plans can be dealt with quickly.

Conservation and Archeology

- The ride station design has now been revised and will not be as bulky as it was originally designed to be. The Conservation Officer is now happy with the design and has no further objections.

- Objections suggesting woodland management is unecessary due to previous agreements have been raised. It's now been advised that the previous agreemnt only covered the coachpark and flume area, so the ?????????100k Alton are suggesting for further woodland management is beneficial.

- There may be buried archaeological remains within the application area, so a condition has been suggested to ensure that a full archaeological plan is drawn up to deal with any such remains which are found.

Other issues

- A contribution to highway monitoring has been agreed with Alton Towers to the sum of ?????????50,000.00.

- Although the relief road is mentioned as being scrapped, "the applicants have confirmed that they are willing to provide this financial contribution" to mitigating the impact of any additional traffic generated.

and today this is the news from the council:-

Alton Towers will have a new rollercoaster for the 2010 season. "Secret Weapon Six", as it has been codenamed, will replace the Corkscrew which left the park in November 2008.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council held their committee meeting today, 12th March, and approved the ride a little before 5.00pm after several hours deliberation.

As soon as we have more details on any conditions, we shall of course keep you in the know.

The journey to 2010 starts here!

see they can sometimes make the right decitions and thankfully it looks like alton towers will now 100% reciving a new coaster next year. i will be there as much as possiable to oversee the progress and whats going on over this season and over the winter period
Making screams come true

Post March 12th, 2009, 5:11 pm

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Post March 12th, 2009, 5:58 pm

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W00T, this thing does look like fun, but it will be nice to have some kind of clearer pictures, but oh well.
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One little kiss and Felina goodbye.

Post March 12th, 2009, 5:58 pm
gouldy User avatar
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"The ride station design has now been revised and will not be as bulky as it was originally designed to be. The Conservation Officer is now happy with the design and has no further objections."

Well doesn't he just sound like a gay. I want the bulky station back!

Post March 13th, 2009, 3:51 pm

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Right guys I think you need to think outside the box here. Your on about what it could be and your not using imagination or looking at the plans and sections properly.

From my understanding the ride will just be normal up until you get back to the station at the first 'switch back'. Notice that this is at a higher level then the staion track on the section (and on some sections it simply just ends in mid air), and notice that the track it needs to rejoin is significantly lower before you travel up the curve to the next swith back.

My observations tell me that its possible the swtich back wiill be some sort of vertical drop inside. Like the tower of terror or something, which then propoels you backwards up the turn and to the next swith section.

I think it will be awesome.


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