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Burnout - Blackout: 211 Ft Intamin Hyper Coaster

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Bump! The Supports for the Lift hill are now complete! Now to move on to the rest of the ride.


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I actually like the colors. However the image does look too sharp and that makes it a little less realistic. It's really only the first picture. Im not sure what causes it, but it happens with my Intamin screenshots too.
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Pick colors that make you happy. It's your ride, not anyone else's.
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Yet again another update on Burnout! The supports are done and now it is time to move onto Modeling the ride station.


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Pictures are much better now. Shaping looks great on the first airtime hill especially!

EDIT: Also, the I305 style truss lift supports start in the ground like this: Image

I saw you didn't do this in the last update, but you said the supports are finished now so you may have added it in the current update. Your pictures are of the whole layout, so I cant really tell :)
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JAMMY User avatar
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I have to agree with mkingy, the drop looks great! To be honest, the layout as a whole looks promising and looks very conceivably Intamin! Looking forward to more! :-)
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TTD03 User avatar
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Drop looks great but I am not sure how much I like the look of the arch.
It looks... to quick.... or banked too much.

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Bump for another update, The car Textures and Logo came in from the one and only TallonD83! You rock man!

Here are some pictures for you guys!


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Looking good! I feel the colors need to be a bit more worn. They are very bright. Maybe fade them down just a tad. Other than that its looking great!
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It's been a little bit since an update! I'm currently having one of the members of NL2 Hub (Joshua Velez) create the station for the ride itself. Can't wait to release this ride to all of you!


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Reminds me of Ferrari World
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Paradox User avatar

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Please use support connectors.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

JAMMY User avatar
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I'm liking the entrance plaza area. And as above, it feels reminiscent of Ferrari World ;-P
Favourite Park 2016:Still LISEBERG (mmm... HELIX)
Favourite Ride 2016: Still HELIX (at night)

Steam: JAMMYD777

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Love this race pit stop themed station! Perfectly made! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
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I hope you realize that you are using B&M support connectors instead of Intamin ones.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.


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