As promised, I???ll reveal the build map and rules today!

Here is your build area:
- Yellow is the build area, no footers or track can go out the outer line of the frozen support.
- Red is station area, the storage of the ride can be anywhere in the yellow area.
- Green is a special one: your ride has to reach ABOVE the green support in THAT area, so that the coaster is visible above the parking garage coming from the tunnel and underneath Avalanche wink (track of your coaster has to go fully over the above side of the frozen boundary supports). Of course, your ride can be elsewhere in the yellow area above this line too.
As you can see the area is less steep then last year, but there are some walkways running through it:
- no problem if your ride or supports are going through it
- EXCEPT for the areas with the clearance envelope. As you can see, under that specific part of the path is a bridge. Your coaster must pass underneath at least 1 of the bridges. There is a small bridge with a single hole and then a long bridge with multiple holes. So, your coaster must pass at least one of the bridges!
- the owners told us they had plans for making a cable car ride to have an easier access to their recently bought lands??? XD. There are already some pylons up and of course, your ride, supports or clearance envelope of your ride can???t pass this clearance.
- There is a lake in the middle of the build area, your footers must be at least 2m/6,5ft above the water

That was it for the main rules, pretty easy right?
* above the green supports (in the green support area)
* red is station
* no interference with orange clearance envelope
* pass at least one time underneath a bridge: short or/and long bridge
* footers 2m/6,5ft above the lake
That are the requirements from the park owners!

To help you, here are some additional rules (copy paste from last year)
- You can make yourself a custom station or theme your coaster, but you won't get any points for this
- Of course, you can't change the mountain setting
- You can make only one tunnel or trench, and it has to be shorter then 80m/26ft (optional)
- Number of stations + number of functional storages = number of trains
- We decided to put no maximum length, so Togo, you can design your longest mountain side jet coaster. There is also no maximum height but keep it realistic
- There is no capacity requirement, but don't make a coaster with only one car with 4 seats

- Make sure the footers don't clip with the terrain. There are some flat areas provided in the area, so there you can place most of your footers
- You can design a wooden terrain coaster or a giga coaster or a dive coaster or ... Choose what you like the most. Multiple entries are allowed!
- Make sure your coaster looks great, has some nice interactions with the upcoming cable car and the terrain
- O, and one minor thing: make sure your brakes are the correct ones: magnetic breaks can not hold your train in real life, so that is no Block Brake
- Make your coaster as realistic as possible, you don't have to make an accurate B&M or something like that, you can also be an invented coaster building company, just make sure it looks realistic

To spice up the competition a bit, here is the one and only Golden Heights BONUS CATEGORY! I hope this will be the real fun part of the contest, besides making the best coaster ever in the hilly terrain. You DON???T need to follow these rules, but it can give you a nice bonus on your total points blush
- Dive coaster (+6% of total points)
- Wing coaster (+8% of total points)
- 4D coaster (+12% of total points)
- Meisho Jet coaster with
* no friction and no air resistance
* using only a 50 foot lifthill (length)
* with 100% custom track using no 3ds or scripts, custom supports only
(+9% of total points)
- Most inversions on the coaster (+5% of total points)
- Shortest coaster (+5% of total points)
- Fastest coaster (+8% of total points)
- Heighest coaster (+8% of total points)
- Longest coaster (+8% of total points EXCEPT you have chosen the Meisho jet coaster style)
- Pass the lake at least 2 times (so: land ??? lake ??? land ??? lake ??? land) (+3% of total points)
- Track is 30,5m/100ft above the green support in the green area (+5% of total points)
- Track is more than 500m/1640ft (length) above the lake (kinda 5HOP idea XD) (+6% of total points)
- Pass underneath both bridges (+9% of total points)
Greetings from pifpoefpaf123 and Ward