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Highest Rating?

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Post July 30th, 2003, 3:44 pm

Posts: 868
Points on hand: 4,391.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
What is everyones highest rating they ever had on a ride?

I think the highest adrenaline I had was a 10.29

Post July 30th, 2003, 4:16 pm

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I think I had an 11 something for the excitement rating, it was 'very high' [:D]

Post July 30th, 2003, 4:44 pm

Posts: 167
Points on hand: 4,126.00 Points
Location: Ft. Myers, FL, USA

I wish I could get an 11, my highest for excitment was 8.60

Post July 30th, 2003, 5:57 pm

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Location: Illinois, USA

Post July 30th, 2003, 6:04 pm

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

Techincally, 650, but that is a glitch, lol[;)]. Seriously, on an ride that inst an impluse, an 11

Post July 30th, 2003, 9:00 pm

Posts: 167
Points on hand: 4,126.00 Points
Location: Ft. Myers, FL, USA

Originally posted by rctycoon112

Techincally, 650, but that is a glitch, lol. Seriously, on an ride that inst an impluse, an 11

[lol]What kind of glitch does that[?]

Post July 30th, 2003, 9:02 pm

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

When you make an impulese coaster that looks like a m with one to many humps, lol. You set it to like 8 circuits and it has like 100's of seconds of airtime, and an excitement rating in the 600's

Post July 30th, 2003, 9:24 pm

Posts: 167
Points on hand: 4,126.00 Points
Location: Ft. Myers, FL, USA

Post July 31st, 2003, 6:53 am

Posts: 34
Points on hand: 3,629.00 Points
Location: Norway
I hade 42 on intensity rating once. The coaster had speeds up to 200mph,and over a 100 inversions! I think it had about 21lateral G's!

Post July 31st, 2003, 9:10 am

Posts: 40
Points on hand: 3,638.00 Points
Location: Netherlands
Ive seen parks in rct1 from some1 with lots of coasters above 11 excitement.
My highest is only 9.50 :(

Post July 31st, 2003, 9:29 am

Posts: 183
Points on hand: 3,245.00 Points
Location: Martinez, Georgia, USA

Also if you build a DeJaVu and set the circuits to the max the excitement rating jumps up like that.

Post August 5th, 2003, 12:04 am

Posts: 305
Points on hand: 1,968.00 Points
Location: Louisiana, USA

My son has got the 650 too, he understood it was a glitch but try to tell people online that that is not a true rating lol

Post August 5th, 2003, 11:10 am

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

yeah, but when i built it in a park and let people on it, it stalled at the bottom of a hump, so i had to close it and re-test it. It takes about 3-4 minutes to test it!!! It takes TOO long. Oh well, i still make good enough coasters with a rating over 10 hehe[:D]

Post August 5th, 2003, 3:32 pm

Posts: 305
Points on hand: 1,968.00 Points
Location: Louisiana, USA

Well are we talking a coaster just built or after it is themed, can make a difference in the ratings. Also if you have another coaster right next to it, it would improve the rating. I think that to know how well you really built it you need to rate it unthemed and by itself (which you do) but you tell that rating not the rating after all the theming

Post August 5th, 2003, 3:43 pm

Posts: 503
Points on hand: 3,604.00 Points
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

basically, your saying taht themeing increases the excitement?

Post August 5th, 2003, 3:45 pm

Posts: 305
Points on hand: 1,968.00 Points
Location: Louisiana, USA

yes it can, take a ride that you have built and look at the theming, then save it now build it on a workbench by itself and look at the ratings that you have now. going to be lower

Post August 5th, 2003, 4:08 pm

Posts: 4533
Points on hand: 3,318.00 Points
Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

ive had 12-13 in excitment rating. Theme a dueling 400ft coaster. My actual highest ever was 13.05 [extreme] excitment

Post August 5th, 2003, 4:10 pm

Posts: 305
Points on hand: 1,968.00 Points
Location: Louisiana, USA

I have never got over 11, but in the past I have also had some 8's and built a mine trian or some kinda coaster over and around it and jumped up past 10

Post August 6th, 2003, 2:04 pm

Posts: 53
Points on hand: 5,705.00 Points
Hehehehe- One time, RCT2 screwed up and I got a 650 excitement rating!!! I just did a HUGE launch ride that would easily kill ANYTHING on it in like... 2 seconds. It was a glitch, though. I got some people to ride it. They HATED it.

Otherwise, my highest go karts was 14.96 and roller coaster was 10.25.

I've gotten 46 for intensity, 31 for nausea.

Post August 26th, 2003, 12:28 pm

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 2,822.00 Points
Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands
Got 10.37 excitement on a giga-coaster, but that's after i've themed it. At first it was only about 9.1

Post August 30th, 2003, 7:17 pm

Posts: 55
Points on hand: 4,955.00 Points
Location: Cooper, Florida, USA
My highest was an 11.2 it was a Giga that went in and out of like 10 different coasters.

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