Ok, first off the best ride there, Diamondback! If you go you have to ride this, The Stadium-Style seated trains really make the ride fun. This ride has great airtime hills. Sit in the back if you can, when it comes to the splashdown turn your head around and stick it as far back as you can, You can possibly get your face wet if you want to. The lines on diamondback are not long, Most of the time is a 5-15 minute wait depending on the day but the lines move quick. If you get the chance ride it when its pitch black outside its so fun!

Thats the line the first day the ride opened ! And yes i waited in it for 6 Hours and got my self a diamondback first rider shirt!

Ok next up is the one and only beast. This ride can be really rough but its still fun. Very jerky in some spots but its not really shaking that much but no need to worry! This ride is really long! As it holds the record for the longest wooden roller coaster in the world! The ride still has the trims on it, Id say if the beast lost the trims you would most likely die!

Next up is the vortex, This ride is always fun! Although it hits your head around at some parts its still fun! Its got 6 Inversions! Corkscrews are the best part because your coming out of your seat and it looks like your just going to fall straight out of your seat! Features 2 loops, 2 corkscrews, and 1 Bat wing! If you get the chance if you go there ride this also.

Ok, Next up is going to be Face-Off or as it is newly called Invertigo, After cedar fair bought kings island some names had to be changed because they were named after Paramounts Movie names. Invertigo is just basically a inverted boomerang, with the face-to-face cars so you can look at the other person while going through the ride. The ride doesn't have much to it and it usually takes a while to get on because its only got 1 car, If you have no limits find the ride that came with it named Invertigo. It's the same exact thing except it has red supports, not blue.

Ok now its to the flight of fear! Flight of fear is just an LIM that launches from 0-60 in 1.5 seconds. It has some inversions but you are riding in pitch black. (sometimes the lights are on in the building.) So basically you cant see anything thats going on! Sorry, can only get one picture for this ride.

Ok, lets go to the Adventure Express! Just a mine-train ride. This ride jerks you alot so be cautious, the ride is still fun though i like the theme they did with it, Just basically Indiana Jones theme!

Ok, Drop zone and Delerium are just basically flat rides. Although they are really fun, Drop Zone is a 315 Free-Fall tower. This ride is always fun but at the same time its scary as you slowly go up spinning then you drop without knowing when! Delerium: Really i don't know how to describe this ride. Just basically a swinging back and fourth pendulum that spins!

Ok next up is the Backlot Stunt coaster, Formally know as the Italian job Stunt track. Ok, its just basically shooting you off from 1-40 really fast! The ride isn't long but at one point you come up and fire is basically straight in front of your face! (no you can't touch it) The ride is themed as a police chase. The trains are Mini-Coopers. Towards the end you stop for the fire then go into a tunnel and come out right under the queue line. There use to be a small splash down but it got removed.

And now the Firehawk! A vekoma flyer! you lay on your back and it flips you over so it looks like your actually flying! this ride is fun but it only last a minute and 30 seconds, and most the time your waiting 2 hours to get on it! But the ride is still really fun just stick your hands out and act like your flying!
And not forgetting the old racer! The racer, always a fun ride! Only 81 feet tall but it takes you at 61 mph! I loved when the old racer was there, they had a backwards train added! but when cedar fair took over it was changed back to what use to be the original, this is always fun you sit on one train and your friend is on the other and you get to race, Warning! Don't sit in the back, this ride can really hurt you in back trust me!

and last but not least top gun! Or as its now called Flight Deck. Suspended swinging coaster. This ride is always fun, its really smooth and the line for this is never long! It's kinda hidden back by the son of beast, I think some people have no clue its there.

Ok well that raps it all up. I think i hit all the rides. If I didn't just tell me. Sorry I know I didn't include the SOB (Son Of Beast) I really didn't feel like it needs to be added if it may be torn down (not for sure yet). If you got the chance to go to Kings Island do it!