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Harry Potter Theme Park - A Magical Experience

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Post November 14th, 2010, 4:13 pm

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Fans of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series are finally able to enter the wizarding world for themselves, thanks to the new Harry Potter Theme Park that opened this year. Although most of us be muggles, we can still get a taste of the magic and excitement with our first glimpse within the walls of Hogwart's Castle and our first stroll through Hogsmeade.

What theme park would be complete without rides? The Harry Potter Theme Park is no exception and offers three fantastic rides for the whole family to enjoy. The Dragon Challenge includes two high-speed, twisting roller coasters that loop together and at one point seem to be about to collide with each other. Choose the Chinese Fireball or the Hungarian Horntail and be prepared to be terrified! Both coasters are 3200 feet long and the top height on each is 125 feet in the air. With drops up to 115 feet and 5 inversions on each, the Dragon Challenge is not for the faint of heart.

For the younger or more timid members of the family, there is also the Flight of the Hippogriff. This roller coaster has no inversions, goes under 30 mph and runs only 1099 feet. As you hear the voice of Hagrid telling you how to tame the hippogriff, the whole family will enjoy swooping over Hagrid's little house and diving towards the pumpkin patch.

The Forbidden Journey takes you through the long halls and rooms of the mysterious Hogwart's Castle. It starts out as a tour with Professor Dumbledore welcoming you to the school. When you arrive at the classroom for the Dark Arts, your pals whisk you off on enchanted benches to soar high above the grounds to see the Quidditch match. The technological wonders of this attraction will immerse you completely in the story as you narrowly escape dementors, the Whomping Willow and other creepy surprises.

The Harry Potter Theme Park also features three shows for your entertainment satisfaction: the Frog Choir, the Tri-Wizard Spirit Rally and the wand choosing at Ollivander's famous wand shop. Souvenirs abound at that the various Hogsmeade shops that are awaiting your perusal. Take home your very own sneakoscope or Remembrall from Dervish & Banges, right next to the Owlery. Don't forget to pick up some sweet treats at Honeyduke's where you can find chocolate frogs or fudge flies...yummy! Send your friends back home a postcard or letter stamped with a genuine Hogsmeade postmark when you take a look into the Owl Post.

Wrap up your visit to the Harry Potter Theme Park with a traditional English meal at the Three Broomsticks and polish it off with a butterbeer at the Hog's Head Pub next door.

Post November 14th, 2010, 4:16 pm

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Post November 14th, 2010, 4:42 pm
TheArchitect User avatar
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when i click on the "Harry Potter Theme Park" link it just takes me to CoasterCrazy home page... nice.

Post November 14th, 2010, 5:15 pm
Tetsu Premium Member
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^ I think this is a test of the system. Which would explain the link-back.

Post November 14th, 2010, 5:25 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Yes, link back to the home page is something we need to do for ... I'd tell you but then I would have to kill you kind of stuff.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post November 14th, 2010, 5:32 pm

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So, basically all that happened was that two rides' theming was replaced with Harry Potter theming, and they added one castle-tour type ride? I'm honestly pretty disappointed.

Post November 14th, 2010, 6:45 pm

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The Forbidden Journey is a wast of a time waiting in line for
i went on it 3rd week it was open and i have never had more back pain and neck pain from a single ride expect this one..
and if you dont like crowds... dont go to hp land, allways packed :(
i need to go back this week or next to universal///
dueling dragons is what it should remain called.. they only changed the inside of the castle. and the workers uniforms.
go ride the hulk (which needs new trains) more fun for your wait..

Post November 15th, 2010, 2:11 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by Mai of the Fire

So, basically all that happened was that two rides' theming was replaced with Harry Potter theming, and they added one castle-tour type ride? I'm honestly pretty disappointed.

From what i've gathered from friends who recently went, the whole land is an experience in and of itself. If you choose to only experience the rides, you may find yourself disappointed. But to experience the whole land as it was designed and intended to be, you may find a much richer and deeper experience. Let loose and explore Harry's world and forget that you're at a theme park.[;)]

Post November 18th, 2010, 11:41 am

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I was there last summer holidays!! it was absolutely awesome^^ The best attraction was forbidden journey

Post November 18th, 2010, 11:48 am

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Originally posted by CoasterFreak97

I was there last summer holidays!! it was absolutely awesome^^ The best attraction was forbidden journey

that ride was a waste of a 2 hours in line and it wasnt even worth it.
they should have spent more time on the land then just rush it and put it out there...
i think the forbidden journey should just go die and burn in hell
i went the 3rd day it was open and i was there for the grand opening which was a mosh pit and the line was long as ever.. it wrapped around the park... [redsmoke]

Post November 18th, 2010, 10:47 pm

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We were there in early October and thought it was fantastic! Fortunately the crowds weren't too bad - the longest we waited for the Forbidden Journey was about 25 minutes. We did end up riding it 5 times. While the area is really not that big, the attention to detail is mind-blowing. Hogwarts castle is simply amazing! It's also cool that those who do not want to ride The Forbidden Journey can still tour the castle interior at their own pace in s separate line - a very nice touch. I talked with several people who were visiting from Britain and they all agreed that Wizarding World is "simply brilliant"!

Post November 19th, 2010, 12:35 am

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I thought this place was absolutely SICK. Forbidden Journey was really cool, but that is by no means why the whole area is so awesome. They just completely went all out with it, and besides the crowds of tourists, it's seriously just walking into the world of Harry Potter. So awesome, and frozen butterbeer is unreal.

Post March 25th, 2011, 3:44 am

Posts: 9
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Finally, I've been waiting for the Harry Potter attraction since before. I was wishing and hoping that there would be a theme park attraction made specially for Harry Potter. So when I found out about the Wizarding World of Harry, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about going to the theme park. It sounds awesome and looks awesome at the same time! :)

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