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Six Flags Magic Mountain 2015 - Twisted Colossus

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I honestly can't decide which 2015 RMC I like better. They both have awesome elements, and what looks to be awesome airtime. But one thing is for sure, RMC does not build crappy rides. They are all, or will be top 10 coasters.
Last edited by Manic Monte on September 26th, 2014, 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Full throttle is a top ten coaster, but because it's six flags, the community won't let it.

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^I like WC better. TC feels like the same ride twice


Full Throttle is a really good and fun ride, but I don't think it's near the top ten. There are other coasters I'd rate higher at SFMM alone before FT hit the list. Tatsu, Goliath, Viper... Okay that that last one is just bc classic Arrow lol. As much as I like FT it would need to be more than half a tophat, giant loop and immeldivecorkthing.

Back to TC

I don't think it's that simple though, they don't have MCBRs on the run that I've seen other than the second lift hill.

So if the total ride time is around four minutes... that would mean they will dispatch a train about every two minutes to race.

So if you have a handicap guest getting in which could take considerably longer, do you just stop the other train and make them wait on the circuit? Otherwise you end up with an extra train on the blue side.

And the most important hang up in the whole process... This is Six Flags

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LuckyK wrote:
they don't even synch in the render bro watch it. Train hits the green side going like 30 off a 50 degree banked turn

If they can calculate out a proper dispatch interval, they can calculate out when to send the train so that they line up somewhat closely on the lift. All they need is a timer in controls. I really do think an effort will be made to have them line up somewhat. The trick will be if they're smart enough to forbid loose articles and have no bins. Dueling will not always happen due to fatties who can't fit and other hiccups, but I think the effort will be made.

Also I have no diea if the RMCs have a seatbelt and a bar, but "seatbelt first lapbar second" hopefully will not be a direction that needs to be followed.
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If they are running it like Goliath then it will be seatbelt 1st then lapbar. That'll probably end as soon as NTAG lawsuit ends.

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They could run it like Mavrick at CP.
Isn't it always in sync?

And Top three at SFMM is X2, Tatsu, and FT.
Goliath a great, but it's been trimmed too much. The overbanks are weak, the best part is the helix and drop.

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Haven't been on Goliath, but I did ride Titan a bunch the one day I was there, and I thought the camelback was by far the best part of the ride. I really liked the ride as a whole, but that was the standout moment for me. One of my favorite airhills of any ride I've been on.

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To time it out would mean 2 minute trains. The ride is 4 minutes long with no mcbr except the lifts. Since it duels each half would be about 2 minutes. That would mean on train every 2 minutes. They are going to have to stack somewhere. Also they have to have belts I'm sure with that stall

A lot of times Maverick stacks trains on the brakes.

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I think the fact that you get to go around twice all while dueling the other train is unique and pretty bad ass. This ride looks so fun, and definitely gives you your money's worth. Plus it features a double down AND a double up? I am so stoked!
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Paradox User avatar

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It will never duel considering SFMM's staff. It might for like the first 2 months.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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I think it will duel for the first few seasons. Cannot wait!
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Manic Monte wrote:
I think the fact that you get to go around twice all while dueling the other train is unique and pretty bad ass. This ride looks so fun, and definitely gives you your money's worth. Plus it features a double down AND a double up? I am so stoked!

^welcome to the site!

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I can't wait to ride it. I guess with a project as iconic and massive as Colossus, a titanic former world record breaker, movie star, tv show backdrop (yes, that was Colossus in Step-by-step's theme song) a lot of us were hoping to see something new instead of what is already the same old same old for RMC. It doesn't look good when a new radical designer jumps the shark after only three years.

There's nothing RMC is doing to TC that they haven't already done on everything else they've already done. And with two giant roller coasters and nearly unlimited space to combine into one monster this was probably their best chance to show the world what they can do. Apparently it's not much. Twice. Those first drops are going to be amazing, and those turns are going to be okay but to lose such an important piece of roller coaster history to cookie cutter, run of the mill RMC elements found on everything else they make is a bit much for me. Especially with the nightmare lines it's going to create with the PPH dispatching a train every 2 minutes to make it duel.

You guys realize that because of the way they have it setup with no MCBRS other than the lift, no matter how many trains they add it won't have a higher PPH than Ninja-SFMM right? That's IF they dispatch on time, every time no matter what

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^ Thanks for the welcome!

I might agree with you somewhat if there were another RMC located on the west coast, but there isn't. So in no way will this be a "same old same old" for guests going to SFMM or SFNE next year, not even close. Maybe for a few well traveled enthusiasts, but big deal. For the rest of us, this ride will be a stunner.

Colossus was most certainly iconic, for about two years. Since then the ride has been a boring mess. And honestly I didn't think much could be done for it short of leaving it the way it was, or removing it all together. Not without spending 20+million on the ride, which we know Six Flags isn't in a position to do. So for me, what RMC is doing for this ride is the best I could have hoped for, and slightly ingenious.

So it depends on your perspective I guess. My perspective is this: This ride will have more airtime and awesome elements than any ride we've had here in many years. No more ride airtime killing re-profiled hills, awful midcourse, slow, meandering turns, and rough old worn out transitions. what we are getting instead is a crazy looking, smooth RMC that I'd be willing to bet will be a top 10 ride next year.

A win, win.
Last edited by Manic Monte on September 26th, 2014, 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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They could have a brake right before the lift to better control the sync.
I also think the lift won't be normal constant speed, I really think SF will have full control of the lift to better control the ride.
Give SFMM a chance before you immediately say they won't be in sync, obviously it's a big and important part of the ride, so they will TRY for the first couple of seasons like others have said.
I do agree that TC was a missed opportunity to do something amazing, I was honestly hoping for a NTG, colosus was such a large coaster I was really hoping for a world record, but no.
I'm still very excited for TC, it looks awesome, unique, and and new experience for the park, can't wait to just SEE two train dualing in real life! That's gonna look insane!
TC is still an amazing looking coaster that is NEW! But I understand the missed opportunity that was there. Kinda like FT, a missed opportunity, terrible planning, ride capacity, and missed potential. But when you get off, the only thought is "this ride is amazing!". The ride is world class, and I'm sure TC will be the same! World class, with some missed opportunities that many people online will not be able to look passed.

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^ Wildfire looks like it will easily blow away all of the RMC coasters to date. Now that's what an RMC looks like with a larger budget and large area to use. However I'm not feeling cheated by TC at all. It will be head and shoulders above the coaster it's replacing. If anything, SFGam's Golaith is the ride that was a wasted opportunity. While we're not losing any ride time with TC, Goliath should have been twice as long as it is.

As for synching and load times, I'll hold off opinions on that until I see just what RMC and SFMM have planned.
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Paradox User avatar

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Colossus went from a triple out and back to a double and I feel that RMC had the space to do something else. They basically cut out everything in the middle of the ride and made it into empty space.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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I've said it once, I'll say it a hundred times, "Twisted Colossus is nothing special." Wicked Cyclone, now that's more like it.

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^ I disagree. I think both rides looks like RMC home runs!

If anything, what RMC cut out of Colossus are the slow and boring parts. I was reminded on its last day of operation how truly lackluster Colossus was. Now there isn't a wasted piece of track anywhere on it.
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Twisted Colossus has some cool stuff yeah, but compared to the other RMC rehabs, TC just seems like a rushed project.

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I think you'll feel differently once this ride is completed.
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I'll say it a hundred times, "Twisted Colossus is nothing special."

Twisted Colossus has some cool stuff yeah

...? You're insufferable. You're definitely going to change your mind when and if you ride it in real life.

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Rickrollercoaster wrote:
I've said it once, I'll say it a hundred times, "Twisted Colossus is nothing special." Wicked Cyclone, now that's more like it.

Why do need to say it again? Got the message weeks ago lol
Thunderbird is nothing special, but I'm still very excited and can't to see it open :D
I see many of the faults in TC, but it's,still going to be a great ride! And at the end of the day that's all that matters.

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Helo9797 wrote:
One lift slows, another one speeds up.

This is just a guess. But I think there will be a counter/ computer tech screen in the control booth that tells them exactly how much time they have to dispatch the next train to sync up with the train hitting the second lift. If they miss that window, then the green lift will slow, allowing time for the blue side to catch up. If the ride breaks down while the green side is climbing the lift, the green side will just continue on and finish the course without dueling.

I used to work Xcelerator at Knotts, and it has a similar counter that let's the operator know how long the second train has been sitting on the break run. Once that timer counts down, the launch must have occurred. If too many cycles are missed, the Xcelerator crew must answer for it.
Intamin: The Force Awakens.


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