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The Incredible Hulk 2016 Retracking

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Post October 7th, 2015, 8:52 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Disturbing news from Screamscape:
Consider me more than a tiny big disturbed by this news, but a fairly solid Screamscape source has informed me tonight that the 2016 Incredible Hulk coaster may not actually be from B&M. They couldn't tell me who would be behind the rebuilt version, or even if it would still even resemble old Hulk layout or not anymore, but apparently something sinister is afoot. Stay tuned... I find it disturbing that this may be the last kind of look we'll get of the infamous B&M Incredible Hulk coaster.
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Post October 7th, 2015, 9:12 pm

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Doubt it. Highly doubt it. I mean, what's the point? B&M and Universal even have a good relationship to start with
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Post October 7th, 2015, 10:25 pm
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Perhaps we should consider premier box track like the mummy @ Universal Studios? I'm sure custom track specs aren't out of the realm of possibility...
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Post October 7th, 2015, 11:52 pm

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^Gross, no. We shouldn't. I will be so floored if some BS like that happens.

Post October 8th, 2015, 4:32 am

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OMGosh... I saw a word "sinister" that could sound like we would see something to do with Larson... I hope Universal won't be that silly.

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Post October 8th, 2015, 5:31 am

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TTD03 wrote:
They couldn't tell me who would be behind the rebuilt version, or even if it would still even resemble old Hulk layout or not anymore, but apparently something sinister is afoot

after reading this over something came to mind


Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post October 8th, 2015, 5:53 am

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Ok, Does anybody in the Florida area fancy being incredibly kind and taking a front car off their hands and ship in to England for me? I'll pay you back monthly! :D

Post October 8th, 2015, 5:55 am
mkingy User avatar

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Possible, RMC would be looking for a way into the market with this project and would likely have agreed to a price that would probably make a loss for them.
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Post October 8th, 2015, 6:10 am

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I absolutely wish for the reborn Hulk to have these loops: a cobra roll, vertical loops and corkscrews if that really gets "RMCed"! The heartline roll is already up their alley!

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Post October 8th, 2015, 6:23 am
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The people who come up with these rumors are the ones that believe that anything RMC touches turns to gold and think that B&M will make a "forceless" ride.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
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Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post October 8th, 2015, 9:11 am
TTD03 User avatar
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I don't believe RMC is behind this. I think that the 1 steel beam is too new and not ready for public use. Have they even tested it yet with a train at the factory?

Post October 8th, 2015, 12:17 pm
Blase Rhine User avatar

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What a relief!

Reports have been circulating around the Internet that Swiss roller coaster manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard - the original builder of Universal Orlando's Incredible Hulk Coaster - is not involved in the rebuild of that coaster at Universal's Islands of Adventure.
Incredible Hulk Coaster

Universal closed the coaster last month for a nearly year-long reconstruction project, during which it is replacing track and the coaster trains. Universal also will be adding new, on-ride and in-queue effects to the popular coaster.

I reached out to Universal Orlando this morning to ask about the rumors, and a Universal spokesperson confirmed that it is Bolliger & Mabillard that is working with Universal Orlando on the Hulk rebuild.

This is the second major refurbishment of an attraction in Universal's Marvel Super Hero Island. In 2012, Universal substantially refurbished The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man ride in Islands of Adventure's Marvel Super Hero Island, upgrading to a 4K digital high definition Infitec 3-D projection system, as well adding a new audio system, lighting, and improved sets.
Universal holds the Orlando-area theme park rights to these Disney-owned Marvel franchises in perpetuity, thanks to the deal its signed with the then-independently-owned Marvel Studios back in the 1990s.

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Post October 8th, 2015, 12:58 pm
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Post October 8th, 2015, 2:36 pm

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Post October 8th, 2015, 3:31 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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What idiot put out a rumor that B&M would get redone by someone else lol
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Post October 8th, 2015, 5:31 pm
Paradox User avatar

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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
What idiot put out a rumor that B&M would get redone by someone else lol

Screamscape, which is apparently always right lol.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post October 9th, 2015, 2:14 am
mkingy User avatar

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Paradox wrote:
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
What idiot put out a rumor that B&M would get redone by someone else lol

Screamscape, which is apparently always right lol.

They've unfortunately got a lot right fairly recently which has lulled people into a false sense of screamscape security. This reminds us that it's basically a rumour mill.
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Post October 9th, 2015, 6:34 am

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just remember - screamscape said taron would have skyrush trains
Now usually there would be a banner image here, but i cant add one. have some random text instead

Post October 9th, 2015, 6:55 am

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I should also say that screamscape is very accurate with their rumors. But still, all in all it's just a rumor. Sometimes they can be wrong, and this time they were.

Plus on screamscape they never said it was going to happen. All they said was that the spokesperson was holding back on info, but if all the track were to be removed then it could be possible that a full rebuild could be done by a different manufacturer. I have a lot of respect for screamscape and their accuracy, it's actually pretty rare when they are wrong it seems.

Post October 9th, 2015, 8:19 am
Paradox User avatar

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Still why tf wouldn't B&M redo their own ride? I doubt we are gonna see a layout change.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post October 9th, 2015, 8:29 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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"Other" companies can do a rehab on another ride (Premier "fixing" Taz's Texas Tornado/Thriller/[Zonga/Espanol Name Here], GCI refubs (please don't ruin Ghsotrider with your lame turns and trains), and there are other examples, but they generally involve a defunct party.

In this case there is no defunct party as B&M is alive and perfectly capable of redoing their own rides. Rougarou is now smoother than Raptor despite having a "finale" that aggressively tries to not be smooth. They're very capable.

I personally was always surprised they never went with a better launch system. I saw a TV show many years back that basically said it used an absurd amount of energy to do what it does. Perhaps since Thunderbird's LIM system worked so well they're going to give that a shot on sitdown trains?
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Post October 9th, 2015, 9:19 am
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The technology has changed a lot since Hulk was first built. I believe the reason that it was a drive tire system and not an early LIM implementation is a result of the weights involved and the fact the system was to be built on an incline. Early MAGs had no breaking capability unless power was applied which meant you would have to keep a full brake stack on the segment doing the launching which would be very space prohibitive. Well that and all the issues they had with the early implementations of those systems probably would have delayed the rides opening by a year. The new system could easily be LSM which would use half the power and give twice the performance and solves the problem of breaking on the incline.

Post October 9th, 2015, 10:33 am

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The year 1999 when Windows 98 was still popular worldwide versus... the year 2015 when "Windows 10" is awesome to operate NL2 program that shows uber-beautiful graphics. So much difference in interfaces, then it's no wonder that computers in the operating room had a radical change!
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Post October 25th, 2015, 2:33 pm
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Below is a huge picture update of the deconstruction process for the Incredible Hulk taken on 10/15/15.

The upper reservoir has been drained to workers access to the portions of track that would normally be surrounded by water. Most track pieces are now only containing the minimum amount of bolts to hold the sections together in preparation to be lifted off and removed. The red dots marking the track that has been completely prepped for removal. A very tall crane with extended reach dominates the skyline of the park. All of the electrical sensors, air hard line, and brakes have been cut in places or removed.



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