Hey Everyone/CCers!
Some of you may have heard of the Great Thrill Ride Build-Off, its a contest that has been hosted by K'NEX and Cedar Point, the top 5 coasters in the past two years have been transported to Cedar Point to be displayed for the season, I had the privilege of winning last year, and to go see my model at Cedar Point. This year, they have expanded the contest to 3 Cedar Fair parks, Valleyfair, Cedar Point, and Dorney Park. A few days ago I was contacted by K'NEX saying that I won again this year, and my coaster Rimpac will be displayed at Valleyfair over the summer! It is a Mega-Lite coaster that is 4' tall, the reason the layout is so compact is because it's required to fit in a 8'x8' area.

Now, I need your help! Now they put the 3 winning coasters up for voting on K'NEX.com for 5 days to decide the "Fan Favorite" model which wins:
A Cedar Fair Prize Pack Including:
Exclusive opportunity for the winning classroom to have lunch with a Cedar Fair ride engineer, receive a behind-the-scenes tour of the park, and gain exclusive access to rides for the day they visit the park (transportation, accommodation & incidental costs paid by Fan Favorite classroom).***
A K?????????NEX Prize Pack including:
o A variety of K?????????NEX Education Sets for their school; designed to support curriculum of all ages ($1,500 approximate retail value)
o An invitation for the winning classroom to visit K?????????NEX Headquarters in Hatfield, PA (outside of Philadelphia) to tour the K?????????NEX Factory, meet designers, and learn how K?????????NEX parts are made****
Exclusive opportunity for the winning classroom to have lunch with a Cedar Fair ride engineer, receive a behind-the-scenes tour of the park, and gain exclusive access to rides for the day they visit the park (transportation, accommodation & incidental costs paid by Fan Favorite classroom).***
A K?????????NEX Prize Pack including:
o A variety of K?????????NEX Education Sets for their school; designed to support curriculum of all ages ($1,500 approximate retail value)
o An invitation for the winning classroom to visit K?????????NEX Headquarters in Hatfield, PA (outside of Philadelphia) to tour the K?????????NEX Factory, meet designers, and learn how K?????????NEX parts are made****
As you all know, a behind the scenes tour of Cedar Point would be so cool! Plus a tour of the K'NEX factory. I'm Homeschooled, and because of that I can't really ask my whole school to vote for me, so I'm at a disadvantage:( This is where I'm asking you guys to help! If you guys like my model "Rimpac" most, could you please vote for it each day of this week? You can vote once per day per email address! If you guys are willing to help me I would really appreciate it! I'll remind you guys to vote each day so you don't have to:)
Thanks a bunch everyone!