Hey, we're back! Recently, we both decided to pick up this project again, fixing many of the issues that we had before.
For instance, I have started from scratch on the scenery. All of my measurements were estimated before, which is now no longer the case. I'm currently making some drawings of scenery items that will be implemented into the NL park later on.
Just to give you guys a preview, check out the entrance sign:

If it's hard to imagine what exactly you're looking at, here's a better visual:

Meanwhile, he is making some headway on the track. It's fair to say the the track is completed up until the raven turn.

Hopefully you all like what you see! He has been working meticulously on every little detail in order to bring everyone the most accurate NL2 recreation to date. He still needs to start yanking the track to the side a little bit earlier during the raven turn, he's currently working on making that part of it as accurate as possible.
Meanwhile, TheCodeMaster has begun working on the trains from scratch:

Last but not least, the station building. I'm roughly 90% finished with it at this point.