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1.3 is now released

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Post April 24th, 2003, 3:48 am

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Post April 24th, 2003, 5:38 am

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Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
thanx for saying that 1.3 is out. i thought i would of been delayed as must things are. im downloading it this very second. i hope its worth waiting for.

Post April 24th, 2003, 12:02 pm

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YES OH HELL YES, i am at school so i cand download it now but i am right when i get home=)

Post April 24th, 2003, 12:21 pm

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I cant download it till tomorrow tho


Post April 24th, 2003, 12:47 pm

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the update is aight, nothing amazing imo. The supports are basicly the same as tia's woodbuilder. Sounds are pretty sucky, the millenium flyer train is awful, it truely looks dreadful. The update was way to hyped up, the only half good thing is the new brakes runs for the woodies.

Post April 24th, 2003, 1:26 pm

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Wow your so kind. If you don't like it why dont you code it yourself? Great update.... Stop complaining why dont ya.

Post April 24th, 2003, 3:04 pm

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Post April 24th, 2003, 4:17 pm

Posts: 947
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Oh man this is the best update ever, i just love going up the lift, the sounds are great, textures are great, terraformer is great, what's not great?! Great work guys, it was worth the waiting and it is worth 25 dollar [;)][8D]

Post April 24th, 2003, 4:39 pm

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sweet, im downloading it when i get home from school in 20 minutes.

Post April 24th, 2003, 4:54 pm
dhh User avatar

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just (finally gave in) bought the game a couple of days ago. as to the DL of the game and the update: When all you have at home is dial-up the joys of a T1 and USB Flash Drive are a wonderful thing.

lookin forward to getting to know this program.

Post April 24th, 2003, 5:09 pm

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I downloaded it before I went to school but I have to re-install the game EVERY TIME[:(!] there's an update! If I try to install it wo/re-installation, it just says that v1.126x is not found.[:(!] So finally I get it to install but I can't remember where I stored my reg. key or user name![:(] The first time I got this trouble was when v1.1262(I think thats the number) came out but it was okay because I still knew where I stored my info. This game is tricky for me. I'm not asking for help or anything just so you know. Does anyone else have these problems[?]?

Post April 24th, 2003, 7:16 pm

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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

i dont think anyone else besides me noticed that now you can set each track to automaticly use its default environment (i.e. you dont have to select the sertain one each time now.) personally i am very impressed with the new brakes, wheels, textures, sounds, track, and supports. for the edge: It is nothing like Tia's old woodbuilder i think. The old one would creat a collision if you banked over about 35 degrees, not to mention it screwed the framrate and the wide supports sucked like bill cosby's nose when he has a cold. this is probably the best woodies for any coaster sim ever created. NL is no officially the king of all coaster sims!

Post April 24th, 2003, 7:37 pm
Oscar User avatar
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The Rumbler is my track. I think it looks aight in wood [;)]

Post April 24th, 2003, 9:12 pm

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Post April 24th, 2003, 9:18 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Yes it does[ :D] Thanks for adding it in the update Dave!
Hey Dave KBF someday? LOL

Post April 24th, 2003, 9:29 pm

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Location: Alberta, Canada
sweet,sweet,sweet,sweet,sweet,sweet,sweet!!!!! get this upload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just a bit excited. Amasing job! and be sure to cheak out my coaster in the excange[:)]

Post April 24th, 2003, 9:44 pm

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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

doh! i tried to turn one of my old "wooden" duelers into a real woody but the physics are different and it wont work right.

Post April 24th, 2003, 9:45 pm
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Post April 24th, 2003, 9:49 pm

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The physics seem the same to me, it's just that, with the improved engine, the fps don't slow down at the bottoms of hills, if you cheak the spidomiter, it's the same

Post April 24th, 2003, 10:18 pm

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This update adds ALOT. Its going to be a joy to see what can be created with this new update. What will be more popular, building classic style coasters, or ultra extreame rides?

Honestly ultra extreame is the way I'm going, I'm SO used to building steel coasters that allow pretty much anything and switching to wooden coasters that in reality arn't that flexible.

Post April 24th, 2003, 10:57 pm

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Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

Originally posted by whitewolf2759

The physics seem the same to me, it's just that, with the improved engine, the fps don't slow down at the bottoms of hills, if you cheak the spidomiter, it's the same

no, Ole even said there was different physics. Actually what happends is the train valleys near the end of the track.

Post April 25th, 2003, 5:35 am

Posts: 128
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Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
so what do u think the next update with contain? its bound to be a new coaster type i would of thought.

Post April 25th, 2003, 10:11 am

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Location: canandaigua, ny, USA
i hope the new update will make u be able to build shuttle coaters and like powerlaunch coasters

Post April 25th, 2003, 12:37 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

lol, i had this idea. Wouldn't it be sweet to have LIM launched wooden coasters (in real life) I don't even know if its possible but that would be sweet. Even LIM launched flying coasters would be cool.

Post April 25th, 2003, 1:22 pm

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I could see that happening in the near future... I have a Geforce Ti400 or whats it called.. And my FPS drops soo much to like 9 when i run the woodies.... Come on.... Eh.. Does anyone know the next step up from a Geforce 4?



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