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2 Tracks

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Post May 18th, 2003, 2:59 pm

Posts: 1983
Points on hand: 3,285.00 Points

To be honest i get fed up of trying to make a dueling coaster because it always has to be one big track.Thats why i thought on nolimits 2 they could have a tool to make 2 separate tracks.What do you you think of this then.

Post May 18th, 2003, 3:02 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
that would be usefull. I don't mind the part about one big track. it would be nice to be able to make two different coasters in one file. But give the guys a break, they did just finish relesing an update, and everyone still wants more and more. Be happy with what you got.

Post May 18th, 2003, 3:02 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
BTW what wasn't directed at Matt, but at the whole site.

Post May 18th, 2003, 7:48 pm

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

I don't have a problem with one big whole track, but I do agree that it would be better with two. And I understand that the NL team is trying very hard, and I don't think that they should be doing better than they are because they are doing amazing. They will probably have additions like this but it will take time, and when it does come out and stuff like this, then it will be a good thing that it was a long wait cuz of all the hard work that was put into it.

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