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2005 Match-up Contest (Round 2) - RESULTS pg20

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Post April 28th, 2005, 8:47 pm

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Originally posted by Real

I still disagree with wooden coasters having less than 1.7 laterals. The Boss has up around there and thats not the strongest. Id say the strongest lats on a woodie might be on LoCoSuMo but others contest that Legend is right up there with that. And I know for a fact that LoCoSuMo has to pull over 2, it was MORE intense than any mouse ride I have been on to date.

I agree with you Real, even though I haven't ridden it I've heard it was CRAZY. I wouldn't be surprised if it pulled about 2.5 lats or so.

Another CCI thats right up there with laterals is Silver Comet. It's not like most CCIs with it's laterals, it reminds me of something Schmeck or another great classic wood designer would do, because the laterals are VERY intense, but only last for a fraction of a second on a couple of turns. It probably hits at least 2.3 on it's third turnaround.

Tremors has a lot more sustained laterals than Silver Comet, but it turned out to be actually weaker than I expected. It probably has around 1.4 or so at max. Timber doesn't have outstanding forces, but this thing is perfect. it probably has about 1.8 right when it hits the helix, and gets to around 2 when it exits. VERY powerful.

Post April 28th, 2005, 8:54 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Yep tried that with Intamin months ago.... took a while but got that "sorry-we are to important to answer you" email :P

Post April 28th, 2005, 9:10 pm

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I actually got a mail from Stengel GmbH (no email... written paper in envelope) where they give me some rough numbers. Nothing groundbraking though. Vertical force from -1 to 6 and laterals below 2 if i remember right. But they usually go for zero lats anyway. Lats aren't comfortable; I guess that's why Balder and Colossos look like they do - heartlined and all.


Post April 28th, 2005, 9:16 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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I think that any firm would like to keep the lats as close to 0 as possible, obvioulsy that isnt very realistic, unless you just want a coaster in a straight line. Mantis and Raptor's design were both assisted by Stengel GmbH-yet they pull some pretty quick, but intense lats at least above 1 I would say.

Post April 28th, 2005, 9:18 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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think that any firm would like to keep the lats as close to 0 as possible
Any firm that does not build classic styled woodies[;)]

Post April 28th, 2005, 9:42 pm

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Originally posted by Buster

I actually got a mail from Stengel GmbH (no email... written paper in envelope) where they give me some rough numbers. Nothing groundbraking though. Vertical force from -1 to 6 and laterals below 2 if i remember right. But they usually go for zero lats anyway. Lats aren't comfortable; I guess that's why Balder and Colossos look like they do - heartlined and all.


Well, Colossos and Balder are both Intamin woodies -- They aren't meant to have a real wooden coaster feel, both of those coasters are more like a hyper than a woodie. Lats are definitely comfortable if there are the right trains and it is a wood coaster. I agree that steel coasters should have as close to zero lats as possible, but laterals is what makes wooden coasters great. Just look at a company like CCI, they purposely make their rides with higher lateral gs to be more exciting, and the laterals produced are not the least bit uncomfortable on their coasters.

Post April 28th, 2005, 9:46 pm

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...can we have a woodie with 4+ g's if we replace the structure with steel in the high g areas?

Post April 28th, 2005, 11:57 pm

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Post April 29th, 2005, 9:15 am

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Hey CJD: thats just about right. I've interviewed many designers. It's really up to the park on what they want. Designer just make the suggestion and use there formula's to come up with there rides. With today sue happy public rides like Idora Park Wildcat and the untouched Texas Cyclone had lat's well over 3.5 to 4. BTW I broke 2 ribs on the IPW.

Post April 29th, 2005, 12:11 pm
ish User avatar

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sorry cjd for asking again but would it be fine to build a station like this:

Post April 29th, 2005, 12:52 pm

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Yeah. 3ds are allowed anywhere on the entire NL grid. Only track and the default NL station buiding have to be inside of the template.

Post April 29th, 2005, 1:06 pm
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Post April 29th, 2005, 1:57 pm
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Post April 29th, 2005, 2:50 pm

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I just want to say that Zombie is not going to be my entry. A new ride I've been working on for a lot longer is going to be the enrtry. It's name? Remember Wind? Well, this one is called Eurus: The East Wind from the Greek god Eurus, god of the east wind and the one who brings bad storms at sea, but was kinder to the people than his brothers, Boreas, Notus, and Zephyrus. I used him as a sort of metaphor. (1)Bad storms = scary ride with "waves" of hills (2) Kind to the people = safe, fun G's. I know it's sorta cheesey, but oh well. I'm only going to show one picture before it's release on Sunday, and this is it!


Lol. Looks exciting, huh? I got the idea from Texas Giant, at the top there is a sign with Wile E. Coyote that says "Can't we discuss this?" but I changed it cause that sounds weird. Anyway, can't wait to see the other entries![dorkhat]

Post April 29th, 2005, 3:31 pm

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Post April 29th, 2005, 6:38 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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my track is finished [:)] Reanimator

Now i can go on vancation for a few days. I'm back when round 3 is planned to start [:)]

Post April 30th, 2005, 5:23 am

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All of them rides are pretty cool. [:D] Im nervous about being up against MF2001, his woody is very good.

Post April 30th, 2005, 6:50 am

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Originally posted by jpecool

All of them rides are pretty cool. [:D] Im nervous about being up against MF2001, his woody is very good.

I looked at your other rides on WWS and it makes me nervous, too. Especially your wooden coasters are very well rated...
This will be a very exciting round.

Post April 30th, 2005, 7:10 am

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Yeah it will be exciting, but ive looked at your coasters and it turns out that one of your rides is one of my favourite rides ive downloaded, Fear Factor its called. Its a great ride. Im still nervous, lol.

Post April 30th, 2005, 2:30 pm

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cjd, i appreciate you being the head man of this contest, but this has almost gotten out of hand. with rule chagnes left but not right, it is making this contest fair to a select group, but it isnt fair to everyone else. im actually pissed off at all of the people who keep complaining about the rules b/c it is just plan silly. if you dont like something, please voice your opinion, but dont go complain and complain until you get your way. rules were set up in advance to give out the most level field possible, but when you go and bitch to cjd or whoever, it puts presure on them to change it. it is hard enough to be a judge, trust me on that, but then when you have 10 or 15 people screaming down your throat, well it becomes a living hell for that person.

And i have a question cjd, what are the suggested boundaries on g forces. to what point are you going to allow g forces to be passed okay? for example, my coaster iam working on has g forces like this:

Vert: 4.1/-1.4
Lat: +/- 2.8

laterals are for less than .125 seconds. average around 1.

can you tell me if those are okay for the boundaries here?

thanks cjd, now that ive reread my post ive realized actually it wanst changes, but an enoromus load of suggestions and complatints ained towards an alteration in the rules. i think i missed read a post or two b/c i couldnt tell if it was sarcasim or not. ohwell, my point was that some people should just lay off you and make a track.

Post April 30th, 2005, 3:27 pm

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Ragan, the rules have only changed once. And it was on a matter of fairness.

BTW, the limits are 4.5 vertical, airtime of -1.4, and laterals of 1.7

Post April 30th, 2005, 3:32 pm

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would wooden support structures sorta count as 3Ds? just wondering. and how much points will be taken off if we barely exceed the G Limit?

Post April 30th, 2005, 3:37 pm

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that depends on the severity of the g's. If you go 0.1 over, it's not a big deal. I will mention it in your rating, and maybe take a half point off. But if you go 0.3 or more over, your technical score will definitely go down. Red g's will be at least a point off of technical. Your Adrenaline and Originality scores will not change, however.

BTW, it doesn't matter if it's supports or 3ds, they can both go wherever you want.

Post April 30th, 2005, 6:34 pm

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Well, my track is basically finished...but doing the supports is going to be one hell of a job. I don't really know what I'm going to do about them at the moment.


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