Originally posted by Real
I still disagree with wooden coasters having less than 1.7 laterals. The Boss has up around there and thats not the strongest. Id say the strongest lats on a woodie might be on LoCoSuMo but others contest that Legend is right up there with that. And I know for a fact that LoCoSuMo has to pull over 2, it was MORE intense than any mouse ride I have been on to date.
I still disagree with wooden coasters having less than 1.7 laterals. The Boss has up around there and thats not the strongest. Id say the strongest lats on a woodie might be on LoCoSuMo but others contest that Legend is right up there with that. And I know for a fact that LoCoSuMo has to pull over 2, it was MORE intense than any mouse ride I have been on to date.
I agree with you Real, even though I haven't ridden it I've heard it was CRAZY. I wouldn't be surprised if it pulled about 2.5 lats or so.
Another CCI thats right up there with laterals is Silver Comet. It's not like most CCIs with it's laterals, it reminds me of something Schmeck or another great classic wood designer would do, because the laterals are VERY intense, but only last for a fraction of a second on a couple of turns. It probably hits at least 2.3 on it's third turnaround.
Tremors has a lot more sustained laterals than Silver Comet, but it turned out to be actually weaker than I expected. It probably has around 1.4 or so at max. Timber Terror....wow....it doesn't have outstanding forces, but this thing is perfect. it probably has about 1.8 right when it hits the helix, and gets to around 2 when it exits. VERY powerful.