Originally posted by minicoopertx
I really don't like any of them. In either party. Millions of people in this country, and this is the best group we can come up with?
I have to second this!!! Very Sad...Since 1980 there has been a Bush or Clinton on the ballet every four years. Honestly, I think we need to change this, the past 27 years have seen some great things happen, but in the end, after 27 years of Bush's and Clinton's, we have a crappy economy, the Job market for non-college educated people stinks(which is still the majority of people in this country), the Crime rate is increasing, and I can just go on and on.
Our infrastructure is falling to pieces and our Government feels the need to spend billions on Iraq, which we were lied to about in the first place, I believe we should impeach George Bush and maybe even charge him with treason against the United States. He lied to get us into Iraq which has killed more US Soldiers then 9/11 killed people, not to mention Iraqis, and has cost the US Billions. All for what, to create a level of hatred for America throughout the world that is going to take years to repair, if it can ever be repaired.
Sorry, I will stop ranting now...aaaarrrrgggg, this subject just gets me going.