Originally posted by hyyyper
Ratings round 1
coreyml ????????? Incinerator
Tech: The prelift was full of pumps, and the rest of the track had a lot of jerks and painful banking transitions. Supports are horrible. The lifthill would fall over because of the supports you deleted, there are no wide structures where they are needed and not all of the crossover are reinforced.
Adren: Average pacing, nothing spectacular, but also nowhere near boring. Forces are also average, they could've been a lot stronger.
Orig: The groundhugging worked well, but it takes away the thrill of a steep drop. The figure-8-helix-combo was cool.
4.2 ????????? 6.8 ????????? 6.8
Prelift - Hades' prelift is quite jerky with small steep drops
supports - voyage has like 2 places with wide supports. 1 = the 170' lift hill and the last tall hill with a turn in it. i didnt delete any lift hill supports but yeah, i could have used supportage on the side away from the station
steep drops? GG doesnt really do that. their drops are quite moderate
the forces - may i ask which direction you would want stronger? you didnt want more than +3 Gs...
I didnt expect to be rated awesomly but i thought surely better than a 5.42. i thought my pacing was peeeeeeeeeerty gooooood.
i had 90deg banking, not 101
cretique - i think you judge supports a lil harshly. i never say - wow, the supports on that coaster were trashy/awesome. shoot, GG makes those God-awful looking metal supports. I dont think you can say that someone's track wasnt very GGish if you havent been on a GG
voyage is amazing btw, go ride it - and be prepared for painful transitions and bankings...
im done - thank you for giving me some non-biased feedback and good luck w/ the rest of this tourney