CoasterCrazy 2009 NoLimits Tournament
Welcome to the Nolimits Tournament of 2009. The yearly showdown between the coaster designers of CoasterCrazy.
What is this tournament you talk about?
The tournament consists of five rounds. All rounds are designed with a certain coaster that is being built in 2009 in mind. The first round is Free-for-All and is open to anyone. The top 32-entries will advance to round two and will be paired up against each other. In rounds two through four the best entry of each pair will advance to the next round. In the fifth round, the four finalists will once again go Free-for-All.
Each round will start on the 1st of each month and the deadline will be on the 17th. Each entry must be uploaded to the exchange before the deadline.
Every round has its own set of rules, which could disqualify you when you break those rules. Altering the template will also result in an immediate DQ.
To sign up for the tournament, make a post in this topic clearly stating you want to join. There is no limit on participants, but you must sign in BEFORE the 1st of February.
Feel free to use this topic to ask questions about the tournament.
Q; What do you have to do for this contest?
A: Build coasters, you dummy.
Q: Does that banning rule from last year still apply?
A: No.
1. Dirk_Ermen
2. Sobek
3. MACchiato
4. Jakizle
5. Vid_w
6. RCT-3-Crazy
7. maxamaxam
8. cjd
9. Coasterkidwmw
10. tiepilot35
11. Z00Z3R
12. tracksix
13. GerstlCrazy
14. Lewis13
15. strata force
16. Kevin Brennan
17. ianko66
18. Emerican7
19. asaaa
20. yoshifreak
21. TylerE
22. Jimmy Yoshi
23. CoastaGuy
24. Hepta
25. cooliocody12
26. johan_van_oort
27. Austin
28. sapporo93
29. pollie
30. Ckidd
31. Zippo
32. Adrenaguy
33. Iron Man
34. SupraSix
35. Iron Man
36. SupraSix
37. Rolling Coaster
38. kumba830
39. rollerross
40. musicmonkey
41. SFMMMan17
42. raptorTC
43. coreyml
44. CCJared101
45. griffonluv
46. LlLucAaA
47. DBru