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2010 NLT - Finals - Giant Dragons International

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hyyyper User avatar
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2010 NoLimits Tournament Finals ?????? ??????Giant Dragons International??????

Welcome finalists, you have made it into the final round of the CoasterCrazy NoLimits Tournament. This time you must create a double wooden coaster using the GCI Millennium Flyer trains. In this last round only one will walk away with the prize while the rest will become hermits and think about the meaning of life.

The rules:
The imperial measurements are only estimates, the judges will use the metric measurements when checking the tracks for rule violations.

You must use the Millennium Flyer trains.
The track and supports cannot go outside the red lines.
Both the station??????s track must be entirely south of the pink line (in top view).
The track cannot go over 25 meters / 82 feet (this is indicated by the pink line in side and front view).
Because the park doesn??????t want to obstruct the view to the park??????s iconic looping coaster, nothing can go over 5 meters (indicated by the blue line in side view) in the area between the purple and blue line.
The combined track length must be between 1400 meters / 4600 feet and 1900 meters / 6230 feet.
You must use 2 or 4 trains with 12 cars.
The maximum transport speed on lift, transport, station and brake sections is 15 kph / 9.3 mph.
You can have only 2 lifts (one for each side) and no launches.

I understand that the template rules can be confusing. PLEASE ask if something is unclear to you to avoid disqualification

Scenery, 3ds and minor terraforming are allowed, inversions are not allowed.
Tree removal is allowed.

The template can be found here: (note that it is an nlpack) ... ?tid=16972

Some other things:
Since this is a wooden coaster, supports will count heavier in the Tech score. Adren and Orig scores will also be affected by how much ??????dueling-ish?????? or ??????racing-ish?????? the coaster is.
Do yourself a favor and do not build your track an inch from the template boundaries, it doesn??????t take much to accidentally go an inch over the boundary.
While there are no G-limits, it would be unsafe to go over -1.5/+3.5 Vertical and +/-1.5 Lateral.

Sending In:
Your track must be received by at 11:59 PM July 9th at the latest. Do not test your luck by sending your track in on the last second and risk missing the deadline by some connection malfunction. You may send in your track as many times as you want. Do not forget to include your (user)name.

Every track will be judged on three criteria: Technical, Adrenaline and Originality. Each track will receive a mark for each criteria, the final mark will be the average of the criteria marks.
The technical mark will focus on the smoothness the ride, the quality of the supports and safety (E-stop/tunneltest).
Adrenaline is all about speed, G??????s and the sensation of speed. The more exciting the rides, the better the score.
Originality focuses on how original the ride and elements are. Pulling of crazy new elements in a never-seen-before layout will get you a higher score and a track that has nothing new.

Both judges will rate all the tracks and discuss the results. When both judges agree with each other, the results will be posted.

Good Luck, ianko66, guitarplayer673, Lewis13 and Vid_w.
Last edited by hyyyper on June 11th, 2010, 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post June 9th, 2010, 6:21 pm
Metazoanhaddock User avatar

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Can't wait to see some good dueling woodies.
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Post June 9th, 2010, 6:32 pm

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Ok, are we making a deuling or racing coaster? And what manufacturer are we building, or are we making a whatever style track?
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post June 9th, 2010, 6:33 pm

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Post June 9th, 2010, 6:39 pm

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^^ You can do both and its GCI.

^And whats wrong with this Freddie?

Post June 9th, 2010, 6:52 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by ianko66

Ok, are we making a deuling or racing coaster? And what manufacturer are we building, or are we making a whatever style track?

You can make it dueling, racing, or bits of both.

As for the style. Suppose you steal some Millennium Flyers from GCI, but forgot their blueprint so you have to design the woodie yourself.

If I would simply say 'build a GCI', people complain that somebody didnt got a straight 10 even though the building style is exactly GCI.

Post June 9th, 2010, 7:12 pm

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You just can't say 'build a GCI' because you don't know enough to be able to judge that accurately. Instead, you prefer judging based on your own subjective and unestablished viewpoints so the best quality track most likely won't be the one to win. Craaash and burnnn...

Post June 9th, 2010, 7:39 pm

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"Don't be a disability"... yep, still keeping that. :P

Post June 9th, 2010, 7:55 pm

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Somehow I doubt you're going to see four finished tracks anyway, or even three. This should be fun to try though, even if the judging may be a little iffy. Hopefully I can get a ride(s) finished.

Post June 9th, 2010, 8:45 pm

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Exactly.....Hardest layout style to make if you don't want an exact clone or mirror, coupled with some of the hardest shaping to make (everyone is gonna try to make a GCI whether they're "supposed to" (they are) or not), plus the inevitably awful judging....Should be fun to watch.

Post June 9th, 2010, 8:47 pm

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lol if you made it this far, might as well finish up and at least just try to win that prize.

Post June 9th, 2010, 8:50 pm

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Just to know what to base my ride off of to an extent, what are some characteristics of the track style of GCI?
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post June 9th, 2010, 9:16 pm

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Why are you trying to base it off a GCI? You know perfectly well some 80' tall combination of Intimidator 305, El Toro, Voyage, Nemesis without the inversions, and every other crazy design that's nothing like an 80' GCI coaster. Have fun.

And btw Ianko, why are you asking instead of going and doing the research yourself? Watch some videos, look at some pics, then (should you choose to replicate the style in your design) show us through your work. What kind of pitcher goes to the World Series and says "hey fans, can you tell me how to throw a curve ball?"

Post June 9th, 2010, 11:28 pm

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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post June 9th, 2010, 11:39 pm

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Post June 10th, 2010, 12:27 am

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No, its me just not bothering with someone who obviously doesn't wnna be bothered. The time you spent typing those 2 pharagraphs could have been just answering my question.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post June 10th, 2010, 12:32 am

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You're right. I'm sorry I didn't spoonfeed you the answers that I took my time to figure out myself.

Post June 10th, 2010, 1:21 am

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Originally posted by dcs221

lol if you made it this far, might as well finish up and at least just try to win that prize.

That's the plan[pshades]

Post June 10th, 2010, 1:28 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

You just can't say 'build a GCI' because you don't know enough to be able to judge that accurately. Instead, you prefer judging based on your own subjective and unestablished viewpoints so the best quality track most likely won't be the one to win. Craaash and burnnn...


Post June 10th, 2010, 1:29 am

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Haven't heard that reply since the 2nd grade. Especially funny when a grown man responds like a kid because he knows I'm right. Love it.

Post June 10th, 2010, 1:45 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

You just can't say 'build a GCI' because you don't know enough to be able to judge that accurately. Instead, you prefer judging based on your own subjective and unestablished viewpoints so the best quality track most likely won't be the one to win. Craaash and burnnn...

Dude, start your own contests than instead of whining about other contest on how they have to judge. Apparently too many people on this site think they HAVE to build a ride from a specific builder, JUST because the trains are apparently used on coasters from those specific builders.

What if suddenly a brand new company would pop up that builds nothing like any other company. But still uses trains from the existing companies just because those train would be the best trains on those rides.
Would you burn those rides too, because they use trains from other builders and don't follow that specific style?

You can whine about rides if people claim that it's a from a specific builder style. But don't whine when people say that it can be any style...
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Post June 10th, 2010, 2:56 am

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Nope. I don't think you have any idea how much effort it takes to design a brand new company style. All you're thinking about is how overly intense a ride can be, or how "smooth" the curves are (which is dumb because "smoothness" itself does not necessarily equal rider comfort.) I don't judge because I don't want to spend a lot of time for NL if I'm not designing my own rides. That doesn't mean I don't hope whoever does judge can do a good opposed to making up a bunch of criteria for a "good ride" on the spot when judging as a blatant cover for not actually knowing anything about ride design.

Point is, subjectivity along with a lack of knowledge does not make for a fair or quality contest.

Solution is simple.

1: Get someone who is willing to judge, and knows what they're doing. And yes, there was at least one person who was in that position before the competition started.

2: Design a quality template (a simple outline of the space in question is tired and boring. Do something original (but realistic, if in fact the contest is a realistic one), even if that means cutting the contest down to 2 or 3 rounds.

3: Tell everyone clearly before each round: Using the required track and train, you have two options. A: Emulate the real company style. The amount of originality, therefore, should be based on the amount in real life between different rides by that company and in relation to other styles. If you do so, you will be judged (generally speaking) on adherence to the style, originality as described previously, and overall quality. B: Design a ride using your own company style. Note that each manufacturer in real life has characteristics that distinguish them from others, and the design submitted should be no different. Using this option, one would lose points for, say, doing something like a lift and first drop exactly the same way the corresponding real manufacturer did it, because that would not be believable as a new company style. A ride in this category would be judged (again generally) based on distinguishing characteristics, adrenaline in relation to the intention (kiddy coaster, family coaster, hyper coaster have a target amount of excitement for their given demographic), and overall quality.

4: Ask contestants to note their choice clearly in the description.

5: Judge based on the aforementioned intention.

Problem solved.

Post June 10th, 2010, 3:17 am
hyyyper User avatar
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^Looks like you've got yourself a contest thats almost done, good luck with hosting it.

I think you are forgetting that this tournament isn't about the building style at all. You don't get point for your style, neither do you lose points for it. It's about making a good ride, regardless of the building style. I won't deny that I love rides that dare to go out of the box, that aren't limited by what some company has or hasn't done.

But apart from that, what would you consider a 'quality template'? I try to be original all the time, finding a balance between how many rules and lines in space I put in. And I've only heard positive things this year. What would you suggest?

Post June 10th, 2010, 5:46 am

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Why on earth should every (made up)company have it's own style? That bullocks if you ask me. A contest like this is about designing a good ride, which people would like to ride. It's fun to say 'yeah, I can do an exact replica of an intamin ride because I know everything about it's style'. Good for you then. But that doesn't make a ride great.

Also, why should in a contest style be held into account? Because someone says he want to build a kiddie? So we should judge as if it was one? No, in my eyes we should judge considering the demand made by the contest or in real life the park. If a park asks intamin to build a foreceless hyper and the agree to design it then Intamin shouldn't be surprised if the parks says no to the design if it has a lot of forces, eventough they know Intamin is famous for the G's.

In a contest, as in real life, it's about the demands that are made. And if you chose to accept it, then you should take those demands into account in your design. In my eyes, the same goes for this contest. If he want a good woody using the MF trains, then build one, no matter the style. The only thing that the trains are good for in this case then will be that the track can have faster and smaller transitions.

So stop whining about 'style'. I'd rather build 1 good ride with 100 styles combined then 100 ride in the same style which are just medium because of the style...

Post June 10th, 2010, 10:37 am

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In my eyes, your last paragraph really made awkward sense...

But I do get your point.
"Don't be a disability"... yep, still keeping that. :P


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