guitarplayer's scores:
1 - 7.33
2 - 8.33
3 - 7.17
4 - 4.33
5 - 8.83
6 - 7.17
7 - 7.58
8 - 8.08
9 - 8.33
10 - 4.83
11 - 8.75
12 - 6.67
13 - 8.00
14 - 7.42
Coasterkidmwm's scores:
1 - 7.50
2 - 9.17
3 - 9.33
4 - 5.83
5 - 7.67
6 - 7.17
7 - 8.33
8 - 8.00
9 - 9.17
10 - 5.33
11 - 8.67
12 - 8.33
13 - 8.67
14 - 7.50
1 - Sobek
2 - Vid_w
3 - jakeg797 (Jakizle?)
4 - xtremecoasta
5 - Bottom_Feeder_13
6 - aj74205
7 - devilsrule911
8 - boneplaya
9 - TheArchitect
10 - highthrills2
11 - yoshifreak
12 - umop episdn
13 - tracksix
14 - Jaynen
1. Vid_w - 8.75
2. TheArchitect - 8.75
3. yoshifreak - 8.71
4. tracksix - 8.34
5. jakeg797 - 8.25
6. boneplaya - 8.04
7. devilsrule911 - 7.96
8. umop episdn - 7.50
9. Jaynen - 7.46
10.Sobek - 7.42
11.aj74205 - 7.17
Bottom_Feeder_13 - 8.25 (DQ)
xtremecoasta - 5.08 (DQ)
highthrills2 - 5.08 (DQ)
The top 8 will continue to the next round, the other 6 are out of the tournament.
The judges will soon upload their full ratings, and you are now allowed to post your tracks in the exchange.