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2016 CoasterCrazy No Limits 2 Tournament! RESULTS POSTED

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Blase Rhine User avatar

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Hey everyone so we have some pretty big news and you are all the first to hear it!


So what exactly is the NL2 Tournament?

The 2016 CoasterCrazy No Limits 2 Tournament is a contest that is consisted of three rounds. To make it to the next round you must use your skills and creativity to pass the previous round. The catch is that only a few people make it to each round. There will be deadlines and curveballs thrown at you during this contest. Only the best of the best make it to the final round and only 1 will be announced a winner.

How do I enter?

You enter by typing "I'm in" on this thread. Your username will then be added to a list of other users who have also entered.

Can I drop out?

Of course you can. Just know that each round is designed with that certain number of people. If a person drops out there may be extra or less work on the others he/she is competing against.

How do I submit my entry?

You will submit your entry via email. The email that you will send it to will be released at a later date.

When does the contest start?

The contest starts Monday, February 22nd. 2 weeks from today.

What is the prize?

The winner will receive an actual coaster wheel, tons of points donated to your coastercrazy account, a write up discussing your amazing effort in the competition that will be posted to the homepage, and bragging rights.

I think that is it, am I missing something?

There will be 3/4 judges to judge each coaster. That way it will be in no way biased towards anyone. This is a challenging contest but will be fun for everyone. This contest will also be posted on NoLimits Exchange as well. There will be dead time in between each round for the judges to judge the submissions as well as decide who is moving forward and who is not (this dead time will be about 2 weeks).

What are the submission dates?

All submission must be due by Midnight EST.

Feb 22nd-March 9th (First Round)
March 21st- April 6th (Second Round)
April 11th- 25th (Final Round)
Judging ends May 1st

*Submission dates are subject to change if needed.

Well that sums it up!

If you are interested in joining and have any more questions feel free to ask on this thread and I will do my best to answer them! Let the games begin!

Link to NLE Thread: ... e=1#Item_2


coasterdave- Dropped Out
COASTERGUY246- Dropped Out
Mrcrolly- Dropped Out
UtahCoasterRider- Dropped Out
NemesisRider- Dropped Out
rcdude- Dropped Out
Thrill Lab
Brian Sanchez
Changa- Dropped Out
Bolt789- Dropped Out
CG Coasters
Jonny Richey
Turbo- Dropped Out
nolimits2master (Rctortigos74)



Good luck to everyone who has entered!


Your first task is to take your most comfortable manufacturer and your least most comfortable manufacturer and design a ride in Nl2 combining the two manufacturers together. For instance, I would choose B&M and Togo. Therefore I would design lets say a B&M Invert but as if it were designed by Togo. Based on the variety of your design and manufacturer choice the higher your score will be. We are looking at realism in this creation therefore your coaster must have comfortable g forces and must stay within the restrictions I provide.

Round 1 Restrictions:

-Your coaster must have a minimum of 2 inversions but must not exceed 7.
-Your coaster must have a minimum length of 2000 feet (609.6 meters).
-Your coaster must have a minimum height of 90 feet (27.432 meters). Max height is 310 feet (94.488 meters).
-Your coaster must have safe and comfortable g forces.
-Your coaster must stay true to what each manufacturer would design.

The first curveball will come out Wednesday, February 24th. So be sure to check then for your first curveball! ;)

Please note that you will be judged on the following:

-How realistic your design is for each manufacturer.
-Are your g forces in check?
-Support work
-Track work
-Overall Impression (does your coaster look appropriate for the specified area?, Colors, etc. This is the extra credit points)
-It must pass all clearance and block tests.

*You are allowed to use custom skyboxes and 3d scenery if you feel fit.

Your judges are

-Myself, Head judge
-Tristen (actual ride op at SFOT), Operations judge
-Daniel (Metazoanhaddock), Support judge

The submissions must be sent to by March 9th at midnight EST. If you do not send in your track by the appropriate time, you will be automatically disqualified and will no longer be in the running for the grand prize. When submitting please follow this submission guideline.

Username- Nl2 Tournament Round _(1)_ Submission

Track name
Track description (Elements used as well as list of manufacturers used)

Track file upload

You should receive a confirmation email saying we have received your track file.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!

Good luck!
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Post February 8th, 2016, 8:24 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Blase Rhine wrote:
Can I drop out?

Of course you can. Just know that each round is designed with that certain number of people. If a person drops out there may be extra or less work on the others he/she is competing against.

You're implying females could be entering this contest. One has not been seen here in a very long time lol, no need for that lol.

Post February 8th, 2016, 8:25 pm

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TTD03 your implying you "see" people in here.
Last edited by plantoris on February 8th, 2016, 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post February 8th, 2016, 8:45 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Post February 8th, 2016, 8:49 pm

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Post February 8th, 2016, 9:59 pm

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Post February 8th, 2016, 10:27 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Post February 9th, 2016, 3:11 am
herman116 User avatar
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Post February 9th, 2016, 3:15 am
Mr. Freeze User avatar
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plantoris wrote:

TTD03 your implying you "see" people in here.

your also implying that TTD has been seen seeing people on the site (looks at Blase)

Post February 9th, 2016, 3:30 am
mkingy User avatar

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TTD03 wrote:
Blase Rhine wrote:
Can I drop out?

Of course you can. Just know that each round is designed with that certain number of people. If a person drops out there may be extra or less work on the others he/she is competing against.

You're implying females could be entering this contest. One has not been seen here in a very long time lol, no need for that lol.

There are female NL2 users - just because they avoid you doesn't mean they don't exist :lol:
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Post February 9th, 2016, 6:38 am

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Burn. Y'all know I'm in.
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Post February 9th, 2016, 6:58 am

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TTD03 wrote:
Blase Rhine wrote:
Can I drop out?

Of course you can. Just know that each round is designed with that certain number of people. If a person drops out there may be extra or less work on the others he/she is competing against.

You're implying females could be entering this contest. One has not been seen here in a very long time lol, no need for that lol.

I don't think CC ever had a girl because of TTD of course. but I might enter this.

Post February 9th, 2016, 7:12 am

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Post February 9th, 2016, 7:54 am

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Post February 9th, 2016, 8:11 am

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Well, I can't be in... I'm looking forward to seeing your entries, instead! :( + :)

mkingy wrote:
There are female NL2 users - just because they avoid you doesn't mean they don't exist :lol:

Wow a piece of fantastic information! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post February 9th, 2016, 11:39 am

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I'm in as always, and as always I'll probably not finish, but its usually fun anyway
What are these for?

Post February 9th, 2016, 12:45 pm
Blase Rhine User avatar

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So far we have 18 contestants between both sites! This number will continue to grow and grow!

Do YOU have what it takes to be the champion!? Join now!

CC exclusive Hint: Meta is a judge
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Post February 9th, 2016, 1:17 pm
afro85 User avatar
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Another tournament to get back in the game!!!! Count me in!!!!

Post February 9th, 2016, 1:42 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Blase Rhine wrote:
Do YOU have what it takes to be the champion!? Join now!

"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post February 9th, 2016, 2:15 pm
Metazoanhaddock User avatar

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Wish I could join, but unfortunately, I'll be busy...
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Post February 9th, 2016, 2:54 pm
Mr. Freeze User avatar
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deere839 wrote:
TTD03 wrote:
Blase Rhine wrote:
Can I drop out?

Of course you can. Just know that each round is designed with that certain number of people. If a person drops out there may be extra or less work on the others he/she is competing against.

You're implying females could be entering this contest. One has not been seen here in a very long time lol, no need for that lol.

I don't think CC ever had a girl because of TTD of course. but I might enter this.

There were a long time ago, and they have since been an extremely rare species of creatures

Post February 9th, 2016, 3:04 pm

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