Hey all! Since hyyyper is not able to run this game right now I will be stepping in and running it.
Here are the rules:
2017 CoasterCrazy Coaster Draft
- Welcome to the 2017 edition of the Coaster Draft. This is a game were you try to obtain the best collection of roller coasters from the entire world into a single imaginary park. Everybody can join this game, but there are a few conditions and rules you should be aware of. Interested? Read on!
- The Coaster Draft is played with a maximum of 24 players. During 8 rounds, players will take turns picking coasters for their virtual park. After the 8 rounds are over, players present their parks and vote on which park has the best collection of coasters.
- Please note that this games generally takes about and sometimes more than two months to complete. In order to play, just must be able to check in on the Coaster Draft at least once every 24 hours. This is the bare minimum, please check in as often as possible (especially when your turn is near) to keep the pace up.
Initial Picking Order
- The picking order of the draft is determined by luck. When signing up, you must include your ???lucky number??? (between and including 0 and 100). No duplicate numbers allowed. The order will be determined by the distance of your number to a random picked number between 0 and 100. In case of equal distance, the player that signed up earlier gets the advantage. If there are more than 24 sign-ups, some players will be placed on a waiting list.
Round Overview
- Each round start with an announcement from the game leader, displaying the picking order and picking groups for the round. The big overview of picked coasters will usually be updated as well.
- Picking coasters is done in groups of 4. Each group gets 24 hours to make their picks. The time of the first group is started when the round is started and the start time of each of the following groups is either: The time at which the last player of the current group picks a coaster, or, if not all players make a pick within the 24 hour period, 24 hours later than the deadline of the current group.
- Each player within a group has a priority. The player on top has the highest priority, this means that the player will always receive the coaster he/she picks, regardless of the choices of other players. The player with the lowest priority will only receive his/her pick if none of the other players in the group also want that coaster.
- This means that if you do not have top priority and there are still players with a higher priority that haven???t picked yet, you will need to provide additional (or back-up) picks. This is to ensure you still receive a coaster if a player with a higher priority chooses the same coaster.
- IMPORTANT: I understand this system is confusing to those who have not seen it in practice. Make sure you understand how it works, otherwise ask questions or look in the topics of previous Coaster Drafts.
- At the end of each round, the picking order (and likely also the priorities) is reversed and the new round is started by the game leader. So pay attention if you are in the last group, your next turn might start sooner than you think.
Picking Coasters
- You pick a coaster simply by posting the name and park of the coaster. Once a coaster is picked, it becomes unavailable for other players. Once you have made your post containing your pick YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EDIT IT. This rule is there to prevent cheating. If you made a mistake in spelling, forgot to include the park name or want to include a picture: MAKE A NEW POST. Posts that are edited are invalid!
- You are only allowed to pick coasters that RCDB.com lists as operating. If a coaster is down for maintenance or if the park is closed seasonally, it counts as operating. If a coaster is not listed as operating, you will have to provide evidence that regular guests were able to ride the coasters. (Soft openings are OK, VIP/passholder previews are NOT).
- Dueling/Racing coasters cannot be picked separately, they come as a package. If you pick 2 (sets of ) dueling/racing coasters, you lose 1 slot. This means you have to skip one of your upcoming turns.
Missing turns
- If you fail to make a valid pick, you miss your turn. This can happen in a number of ways:
- Do did not make your pick (in time).
- The coaster you picked was invalid (not operating or already chosen)
- You edited your post.
- If you see you made an error, you may correct this by posted a new pick (remember NO EDITING). But you must do this before your turn is over. If you were the last person to pick, and your pick is incorrect, the next group is allowed to continue. So it is possible that you miss your turn even if the 24 hours have not yet passed.
- The Coaster Draft is the most fun when it is moving at a fast pace. In order to ensure only motivated players play in the Coaster Draft, players will be disqualified if they missed certain rounds, or a certain amount of rounds. You will be disqualified if:
- You miss the 1st round
- You miss 2 rounds in a row
- You miss 3 rounds in total
- If a player is disqualified, a player from the back-up list will take his/her place. During the back-up-player???s first turn, he/she may pick additional coasters that the original player missed. If there is no back-up player available, the disqualified player will be removed from the game. The picked coasters will not become available for other players.
Skipping Turns
- If you think you cannot be online for your next pick, you may choose to skip the next round. You must post this clearly, and before your 24 hour deadline is up. In the next round, you are allowed to pick an additional coaster. You may skip no more than 2 rounds. If you are able to make your pick in time even though you announced to skip it, there is no problem. You may pick in order, but it???ll count as one of your skipped turns.
End of the Draft
- Once all the rounds are over, you will get a few days to think of a park name. Then, a big overview of all the parks is posted and you must vote on which park(s) you think is/are the best. The winner is determined by votes of all non-disqualified players. By the way, not voting gets you disqualified as well, so stick around even though the Coaster Draft has ended.
- Only sign up if you can be online AT LEAST once every 24 hours for the coming two months
- Don???t forget to include a unique number between 0 and 100
- Sign up starts now, the actual draft will start in about 1 week.
- Know the rules, ask questions if something is not clear!
- NEVER go out of turn. I will initiate each group and let you know when your 24 hour period begins.
- Have fun
The draft is expected to start on January 1 which means that signups close on December 31, 2016 at 11:59 PM CST. Remember anyone can enter!
Ckidd - 44
MagnumFreak25 - 89
bandman232 - 67
rcdude - 54
AmatsuNL - 30
herman116 - 42
skyscraper - 95
Coasterkidmwm - 72
XLR8R - 69
riccoaster - 17
Zergei - 99
rcking04 - 1
Mr. Freeze - 10
Dev-Con - 64
slosprint - 88
Xenon - 86
hafizbazzi - 23
Leedle - 9
mkingy - 36
rmcSoni - 14
Odd Rounds:
Group 1:
1. Coasterkidmwm
2. XLR8R
3. Xenon
4. bandman232
Group 2:
1. slosprint
2. MagnunFreak25
3. Dev-Con
4. skyscraper
Group 3:
1. Zergei
2. rcdude
3. Ckidd
4. herman116
Group 4:
1. mkingy
2. AmatsuNL
3. TheCoasterMan589
4. hafizbazzi
Group 5:
1. riccoaster
2. rmcSoni
3. Mr. Freeze
4. Leedle
Group 6:
1 rcking04
Even Rounds:
Group 1:
1. rcking04
2. Leedle
3. Mr. Freeze
4. rmcSoni
Group 2:
1. riccoaster
2. hafizbazzi
4. AmatsuNL
Group 3:
1. mkingy
2. herman116
3. Ckidd
4. rcdude
Group 4:
1. Zergei
2. skyscraper
3. Dev-Con
4. MagnumFreak25
Group 5:
1. slosprint
2. bandman232
3. Xenon
3. XLR8R
Group 6:
1. Coasterkidmwm
Round 1
1. Coasterkidmwm - Intimidator 305 (Kings Dominion)
2. XLR8R - Fury 325 (Carowinds)
3. Xenon - Millennium Force (Cedar Point)
4. bandman232 - Wildfire (Kolmarden)
5. slosprint - Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce)
6. MagnumFreak25 - El Toro (Six Flags Great Adventure)
7. Dev-Con - Medusa Steel Coaster (Six Flags Mexico)
8. skyscraper - Taron (Phantasialand)
9. Zergei - Maverick (Cedar Point)
10. rcdude - Superman: The Ride (Six Flags New England)
11. devilsrule911 - Lightning Rod (Dollywood)
12. flaky - Schwur des K??rnan (Hansa Park)
13. Ckidd - Helix (Liseberg)
14. herman116 - Expedition GeForce (Holiday Park)
15. mkingy - Ravine Flyer II (Waldameer)
16. Thunderhawk34 - Diamondback (Kings Island)
17. AmatsuNL - T-Express (Everland)
18. TheCoasterMan589 - Shambhala (Port Aventura)
19. hafizbazzi - Manta (SeaWorld San Diego)
20. Jcoasters - Flying Dinosaur (Universal Studios Japan)
21. riccoaster - Wicked Cyclone (Six Flags New England)
22. rmcSoni - Voyage (Holiday World)
23. jdmi012 - Outlaw Run (Silver Dollar City)
24. Mr. Freeze - Flash (Lewa Adventure)
25. Leedle - Sea Serpent (Morey's Piers)
26. rcking04 - T3 (Kentucky Kingdom)
Round 2
1. rcking04 - Thunder Run (Kentucky Kingdom)
2. Leedle - Space Shuttle (Enchanted Kingdom)
3. Mr. Freeze - Top Thrill Dragster (Cedar Point)
4. jdmi012 - iSpeed (Mirabilandia)
5. rmcSoni - Soaring with Dragon (Hefei Wanda Theme Park)
6. riccoaster - Mako (SeaWorld Orlando)
7. Jcoasters - Dinoconda (China Dinosaurs Park)
8. hafizbazzi - Montu (Busch Gardens Tampa)
9. TheCoasterMan589 - Flying Aces (Ferrari World Abu Dhabi)
10. AmatsuNL - Python in Bamboo Forest (Nanchang Wanda Park)
11. Thunderhawk34 - MISSED
12. mkingy - Phoenix (Knoebels Amusement Park & Resort)
13. herman116 - Atlantis Adventure (Lotte World)
14. Ckidd - Lightning Run (Kentucky Kingdom)
15. flaky - Wood Coaster (Knight Valley)
16. devilsrule911 - Nemesis (Alton Towers)
17. rcdude - Tonnerre de Zeus (Park Asterix)
18. Zergei - Speed Monster (Tusenfryd)
19. skyscraper - Blue Fire (Europa Park)
20. Dev-Con - The Smiler (Alton Towers)
21. MagnumFreak25 - Phantom's Revenge (Kennywood)
22. slosprint - Kumba (Busch Gardens Tampa)
23. bandman232 - Medusa (Six Flags Discovery Kingdom)
24. Xenon - C?? Chulainn (Tayto Park)
25. XLR8R - X2 (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
26. Coasterkidmwm - Magnum XL-200 (Cedar Point)
Round 3
1. Coasterkidmwm - Incredible Hulk (Universal Studios Islands of Adventure)
2. XLR8R - Nitro (Six Flags Great Adventure)
3. Xenon - MISSED
4. bandman232 - Colossos (Heide Park)
5. slosprint - Legend (Holiday World)
6. MagnumFreak25 - Formula Rossa (Ferrari World Abu Dhabi)
7. Dev-Con - Jungle Trailblazer (Oriental Heritage, Jiujang (Wuhu))
8. skyscraper - Cobra's Curse (Busch Gardens Tampa)
9. Zergei - Time Travel (Hot Go Park - Happy Jungle World)
10. rcdude - Comet (Great Escape)
11. devilsrule911 - Thunderhead (Dollywood)
12. flaky - MISSED
13. Ckidd - Katun (Mirabilandia)
14. herman116 - Flying Turns (Knoebels Amusement Park & Resort)
15. mkingy - Steel Dragon 2000 (Nagashima Spaland)
16. Thunderhawk34 - Tennessee Tornado (Dollywood)
17. AmatsuNL - Skyrush (Hersheypark)
18. TheCoasterMan589 - Pyrenees (Parque Espana-Shima Spain Village)
19. hafizbazzi - Matterhorn Bobsleds (Disneyland California)
20. Jcoasters - MISSED
21. riccoaster - Thunderbird (Holiday World)
22. rmcSoni - Apollo's Chariot (Busch Gardens Williamsburg)
23. jdmi012 - MISSED
24. Mr. Freeze - Iron Rattler (Six Flags Fiesta Texas)
25. Leedle - Flashback (Six Flags New England)
26. rcking04 - Big Apple Coaster (New York, New York Hotel & Casino)
Round 4
1. rcking04 - Apocalypse the Ride (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
2. Leedle - Tidal Wave (Trimper's Rides)
3. Mr. Freeze - Batman: The Ride (Six Flags Over Texas)
4. jdmi012 - MISSED (Disqualified)
5. rmcSoni - MISSED
6. riccoaster - Screamin' Eagle (Six Flags St. Louis)
7. Jcoasters - Superman Escape (Warner Bros. Movie World)
8. hafizbazzi - Arthur the Ride (Europa Park)
9. TheCoasterMan589 - Balder (Liseberg)
10. AmatsuNL - Mindbender (Galaxyland)
11. Thunderhawk34 - MISSED
12. mkingy - Black Mamba (Phantasialand)
13. herman116 - Crystal Wing (Happy Valley Beijing)
14. Ckidd - The Raven (Holiday World)
15. flaky - MISSED (Disqualified)
16. devilsrule911 - Beast (Kings Island)
17. rcdude - Twisted Colossus (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
18. Zergei - Gold Striker (California's Great America)
19. skyscraper - Lost Gravity (Walibi Holland)
20. Dev-Con - Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast (Six Flags Over Texas)
21. MagnumFreak25 - Dragon Challenge (Universal Studios Islands of Adventure)
22. slosprint - Leviathan (Canada's Wonderland)
23. bandman232 - Renegade (Valleyfair)
24. Xenon - Silver Star (Europa Park)
25. XLR8R - New Texas Giant (Six Flags Over Texas)
26. Coasterkidmwm - Hell Cat (Clementon Park)
Round 5
1. Coasterkidmwm - Fahrenheit (Hershey Park)
2. XLR8R - Banshee (Kings Island)
3. Xenon - Colorado Adventure (Phantasialand)
4. bandman232 - OzIris (Parc Ast??rix)
5. slosprint - Stormrunner (Hersheypark)
6. MagnumFreak25 - Superman Kyrpton Coaster (Six Flags Fiesta Texas)
7. Dev-Con - MISSED
8. skyscraper - Pulsar (Walibi Belgium)
9. Zergei - Wild Train (Fantasiana)
10. rcdude - Tatsu (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
11. devilsrule911 - MISSED
12. Ckidd - Kraken (SeaWorld Orlando)
13. herman116 - Troy (Toverland)
14. mkingy - Expedition Everest (Walt Disney World)
15. Thunderhawk34 - MISSED (Disqualified)
16. AmatsuNL - Afterburn (Carowinds)
17. TheCoasterMan589 - Verbolten (Busch Gardens Williamsburg)
18. hafizbazzi - Joker's Jinx (Six Flags America)
19. Jcoasters - MISSED
20. riccoaster - Starry Sky Ripper (Joyland)
21. rmcSoni - Dragon Khan (Port Aventura)
22. Mr. Freeze - Manta (SeaWorld Orlando)
23. Leedle - Bat (Canada's Wonderland)
24. rckingo4 - Desperado (Buffalo Bill's Resort & Casino)
Round 6
1. rcking04 - Coaster Express (Parque Warner Madrid)
2. Leedle - Ragin' Cajun (Blue Bayou Dixie Landin')
3. Mr. Freeze - Boss (Six Flags St. Louis)
4. rmcSoni - Lightning Racer (Hersheypark)
5. riccoaster- The Bat (Kings Island)
6. Jcoasters - MISSED (Disqualified)
7. hafizbazzi - Shuttle Loop (Nagashima Spa Land)
8. TheCoasterMan589 - MISSED
9. AmatsuNL - Red Fire (ViaSea)
10. mkingy - Fluch von Novgorod (Hansa Park)
11. herman116 - Van Helsing's Factory (Movie Park Germany)
12. Ckidd - Gatekeeper (Cedar Point)
13. devilsrule911 - MISSED (Disqualified)
14. rcdude - Kingda Ka (Six Flags Great Adventure)
15. Zergei - Firechaser Express (Dollywood)
16. skyscraper - Baron 1898 (Efteling)
17. Dev-Con - Seven Ring Suspended Looping Coaster (Jinling Happy World)
18. MagnumFreak25 - Eejanaika (Fuji-Q Highland)
19. slosprint - Raptor (Cedar Point)
20. bandman232 - Valravn (Cedar Point)
21. Xenon - Nitro (Adlabs Imagica)
22. XLR8R - Grand National (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
23. Coasterkidmwm - Monster (Walygator Park)
Round 7
1. Coasterkidmwm - Tremors (Silverwood)
2. XLR8R - Cannibal (Lagoon)
3. Xenon - Possessed (Dorney Park)
4. bandman232 - Twister (Knoebels Amusement Park & Resort)
5. slosprint - Ghostrider (Knott's Berry Farm)
6. MagnumFreak25 - Boardwalk Bullet (Kemah Boardwalk)
7. Dev-Con - MISSED
8. skyscraper - MISSED
9. Zergei - Nemesis Inferno (Thorpe Park)
10. rcdude - Hades 360 (Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park)
11. Ckidd - Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars (Hong Kong Disneyland)
12. herman116 - Rollercoaster Formula 1 (Energylandia)
13. mkingy - Swarm (Thorpe Park)
14. AmatsuNL - Coaster Through The Clouds (Nanchang Wanda Park)
15. TheCoasterMan589 - Piraten (Djurs Sommerland)
16. hafizbazzi - Bocaraca (Parque Diversiones)
17. riccoaster - Mind Bender (Six Flags Over Georgia)
18. rmcSoni - Monster (Adventureland)
19. Mr. Freeze - Shockwave (Six Flags Over Texas)
20. Leedle - EqWalizer (Walibi Rh??ne-Alpes)
21. rcking04 - Formule 1 (Parc Saint Paul)
Round 8
1. rcking04 - Furius Baco (Port Aventura)
2. Leedle - Wipeout (Pleasurewood Hills)
3. Mr. Freeze - Steel Eel (SeaWorld San Antonio)
4. rmcSoni - Talon (Dorney Park)
5. riccoaster - Prowler (Worlds of Fun)
6. hafizbazzi - Riddler's Revenge (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
7. TheCoasterMan589 - MISSED
8. AmatsuNL - Griffon (Busch Gardens Williamsburg)
9. mkingy - New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's Amusement Park)
10. herman116 - Veil of Dark (Sega Joypolis)
11. Ckidd - Great White (Morey's Pier)
12. rcdude - Kentucky Rumbler (Beech Bend)
13. Zergei - Polar X-Plorer (LEGOLAND Billund)
14. skyscraper - Wild Eagle (Dollywood)
15. Dev-Con - Tower of Terror (Gold Reef City)
16. MagnumFreak25 - Junker (PowerLand)
17. slosprint - Takabisha (Fuji-Q Highland)
18. bandman232 - Raging Bull (Six Flags Great America)
19. Xenon - Tower of Terror II (Dreamworld)
20. XLR8R - Goudurix (Parc Ast??rix)
21. Coasterkidmwm - Whizzer (Six Flags Great America)
Round 9
1. Ckidd - Lightning Rod (Dollywood)
2. herman116 - MISSED
3. Coasterkidmwm - Dinoconda (China Dinosaurs Park)
4. bandman232 - Vortex (Kings Island)
5. Dev-Con - Xpress: Platform 13 (Walibi Holland)
6. TheCoasterMan589 - MISSED
7. XLR8R - Nemesis (Alton Towers)
8. mkingy - Outlaw Run (Silver Dollar City)
9. hafizbazzi - Terror Twister (Fantawild Dreamland)
10. skyscraper - Wood Coaster (Knight Valley)
11. rmcSoni - Tennessee Tornado (Dollywood)
12. AmatsuNL - The Flying Dinosaur (Universal Studios Japan)
13. rcdude - Superman / la Atracci??n de Acero (Parque Warner Madrid)
14. riccoaster - Great Bear (Hersheypark)
15. Mr. Freeze - Schwur des K??rnan (Hansa Park)
16. Leedle - Recoil (Wonderla)
17. slosprint - iSpeed (Mirabilandia)
18. Xenon - Dare Devil Dive (Six Flags Over Georgia)
19. MagnunFreak25 - Goliath (Six Flags Great America)
20. Zergei - Thunderhead (Dollywood)
21. rcking04 - Star Ripper (Star Fantasy Port)