Thank you everyone for a great first round of the 2017 Nolimits Tournament! We received some great entries and spent a few weeks deliberating the final scores. We received 33 entries and had to narrow it down to just half of that for round 2. Because of this, only the top 16 will be moving on, but due to a tie for 16th place 17 members will proceed to round 2. Attached below is the rankings for each member including the average score which was comprised of the scores from all 3 judges. If your name is bolded in the list you will be moving on to round 2. Unfortunately, if your name is not bolded you will not continue to the next round. For more information about your scores please do not hesitate to contact the judges (Blase Rhine, Metazoanhaddock, Paradox). Once again thanks to everyone who participated and don't forget round 2 starts tomorrow!

Congratulations to slosprint (Sam) for winning the first round with his outstanding entry "Rebel"