Bad news Coasterdave. Though you could do that on a regestered version of NL Construction Kit, there is no way to regester it because it is univailable for regestering anymore. I will happily do it for you though! Just PM me on Wednesday (tommorow) and I'll send u my email so you could email the track to me.
Casper I know that you have the full version of Sketchup.
I got it too a few days ago.
There is an option for importing 3Ds into Sketchup and I've been trying to do that with a 3D of a coaster I made. But every time I tried it froze up and i had to end the program. Do you ever get this problem?
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.