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3ds compliaton site

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post November 24th, 2005, 5:12 pm

Posts: 127
Points on hand: 2,903.00 Points

I'm thinking of starting a section of my website devoted to 3ds' for NoLimits. It would be a link page to the download of other 3ds' other places and a place to flat out download the 3ds'.

I need donations of 3ds files. You will be credited for making the 3ds.

Post November 25th, 2005, 7:06 am

Posts: 124
Points on hand: 3,142.00 Points
Location: Stockbridge, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Good idea. I'd throw a few 3ds your way. But remember, new 3d obo users would need to know how to go about placing them into their coasters, terrains etc, (obo resizing, obo 3d orientations etc..), not rocket science sure, but a basic tutorial could be included to help them accomplish this as it can get fiddly..

Post November 25th, 2005, 10:12 am

Posts: 127
Points on hand: 2,903.00 Points

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