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.5 for no reason

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Post October 22nd, 2004, 10:32 pm

Posts: 3
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Location: just guess, USA
ok, i know only like nobody knows me but i don't care, i'm active at CS and rarely come here.
anyways, on one of my coasters, "Tyler" gave me a .5 for everything just b/c it was an intamin rocket. yeah, i know it sorta sucked but it didn't deserve a .5 for everything.
and the funniest part of this is what he wrote which is this:

Comment By Tyler on 07/28/2004
When will you people realise that rides like this are NOT good, NOT amusing, and NOT desired.
Technical: 0.5 Adrenaline: 0.5 Originality/Acc.: 0.5 Average: 0.50

question: what's with being such an ass about it?

btw it was Fast Track

Post October 22nd, 2004, 11:07 pm

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Post October 22nd, 2004, 11:14 pm

Posts: 688
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Yes, because a poorly done take on an incredibly overdone theme that wasn't good to begin with is soooo deserving of a good score. Right. Sure. Seriously, I could do a better ride in about 5 minutes, which is probably about as much time as you put into it...

Post October 23rd, 2004, 4:00 am
Oscar User avatar
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rating lacks explanation, lacks points of correction, thecool326 did a more detailed comment with the same rating and that one stays. Thanks for reporting it.

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